I was told since I was a young child that “voting” is what makes America so unique. All other countries besides the United States were some form of brutal communist regime according to my incredible and very-smart, non-abusive school teachers, and we are the only ones with a fair “democratic” system. What makes America great is that any swinging d*ck in the world can come here and vote in elections. “Voting” is the pinnacle of human achievement, and letting literally anyone with a pulse vote, is the greatest and most noble thing ever conceived. This in a nutshell, is what everyone my age group was taught by the adults in the room. Well, I didn’t know exactly what they were up to when I was that age, but I knew it was BS. Why did so many decent Americans fall for such an insidious scam, and atrocious idea? The short answer is they didn’t. They were conditioned slowly over time to accept it.
Have you met people in the last ten years? Be honest, because I know there’s an entire class of retirement aged Americans that haven’t left their gated communities or pontoon in over a decade. If you have met people, worked with people, and conversed with people in modern America lately you would know what a hyper-stupid idea it was to let everyone vote in elections. Most people in this country regardless of political affiliation couldn’t pass a 5th grade civics test, or name the three branches of Government if you held a gun to their heads. Yet they vote, and espouse their opinions that they heard on tv as if it was their own idea.

Now ask yourself why we were conditioned to accept that idea as a wonder of human achievement? The same people screaming about the CONSTITUTION (despite likely never reading it) seem to forget that “voting” in elections is NOT a God-given right. It was a privilege, and a privilege only for White land owning males. Most people in modern America think that rule proves that our Founders were horrible racists, and we should topple their statues over it, but the truth is much simpler. The truth is White land-owning Christian males had stakes in the game. Men with stakes in the game (a new country) wouldn’t dare vote against the interest of themselves, their progeny or the nation. We could probably never go back to that rule now because unless you’re a retirement aged American with A-1 credit it is impossible to own property, but it’s worth taking a look at how we can re-establish some rules on who can vote and why.
Think about how elections go in modern times. Pretend for a second you are a small business owner and you employ people. You have a family of 6, you pay your taxes, obey the law, love this country and spend a significant amount of effort and time to select the candidate you view as the best for the nation. You go to the polls, cast your vote, and turn around and a bus full of scholars shipped in by the DNC that didn’t even know there was an election going on just walked in and canceled your vote out completely. Everyone is “equal” remember? If this system sounds “fair” or “just” or “equitable” to you, then you’re the mid-wit I’m writing this article about.
“Mass formation psychosis” is a term that gets thrown around quite a bit in regards to our sheepish general population, and there is a lot of truth to that. Our media/education system has been under the control of blood-thirsty foreigners and communists since their inception. This should be obvious to anyone based on the fact ALL of our mainstream media is owned by around 6 mega-corporations, which are all in the hands of the “deep state”, and our Department of education has deliberately dumbed down our population and brags about it with their own lips. Yet we are still in a stage in this country where talking about these facts are still considered “conspiracy theories” and we have to get back to reality and argue about things that Sean Hannity framed for us. Just getting to the bottom of why everyone is an idiot has become controversial, which just proves that the general population in this country is seemingly disinterested and incapable of fixing anything. So what about the rest of us that have seen through all the “mass formation psychosis” for years and years? You get punished by the herd, that’s what.
Our general population (political party affiliation is irrelevant) is extremely brainwashed and detached from reality. Most normies spend their free time playing bubble-pop games on their phones and watching football, so it should be no surprise that when an authority figure they see on teevee tells them to strap a dirty dishrag across their face to stop a Chinese bio-weapon, they comply without hesitation. I use covid as an example here to demonstrate a clear fracture between the general masses of this country, and people who pay attention to their surroundings and use the internet as a tool instead of a pornography portal and dopamine drip. What did the free thinkers get during these times? We got called terrorists, misinformation spreaders, and that we would kill your grandma because we weren’t wearing masks (which animated stupid people to violence on multiple occasions by the way). What did the sheep get? praise and adoration from the “experts” they worship on teevee. It was never about disease prevention, or helping get the country out of the pandemic. Their motivation was simply compliance and getting imaginary high five’s from talking heads on tv and strangers on the internet. Those same people voted in elections and got a senile pedophile regime installed into the White House. See what I mean? We live under the boot of sheep.
Covid is obviously just one example of compliant sheep getting their way over the rest of the country because of their sheer numbers. It’s hardly just an issue of “voting”. When enemies can high jack the media/education systems and subvert the general population of the country to advocate for their interests, it should be considered an attack on the country, but that doesn’t mean we have to continue to allow mouth-breathing tv watchers to have political power. These sheepish, smooth-brained feeders represent a clear and present National security threat, because they have shown beyond a reasonable doubt they will comply with ANYTHING they are told. Regardless of how insane, cruel, fictional or flat-out reality bending it may be, and in direct contradiction with what they can see with their own eyeballs they will follow along with any narrative fed to them by a perceived authority. “These are peaceful protests” they said as cities burned and people were murdered indiscriminately. “Inflation is transitory” they repeat like good little sheep as they go into poverty from buying groceries. ‘It was the most secure election in the history of humanity” they said as we watched terabytes of footage of upstanding urban youth’s swap ballots out, and block poll watchers from supervising the count. “We’re not mutilating the genitals of sexually confused children, we’re giving them gender-affirming care” I could go on and on and on, and it won’t be long before they’re saying “We have to kill them to save the Earth from bad weather”. If they can be convinced that cutting away the mouth portion of the mask to play the flute stops a Chinese bio-weapon, they can be convinced of ANYTHING.

When the sheepish masses can be convinced of advocating for things that are not their own ideas, but the ideas of the hidden hand that controls the media/education system, then we are no longer having a normal political disagreement. It means the social contract has been broken. The majority of my time spent online is attempting to get fish-brained mongoloids to stop falling for narratives fed to them by demons. Which has clearly been a losing battle. We now live in times where adherents from BOTH sides of the political aisle espouse opinions that were most likely written by the CIA themselves. If you ask a normie conservative what the biggest problems in this country are, he will blame everything on America’s youth and demand I get drafted to die in foreign wars he cant explain. If you ask a liberal what the problems are in this country they will tell you we aren’t forcing children to learn enough transgender propaganda, and there aren’t enough “immigrants”. All of which are not only completely detached from reality, but are positions that would harm the nation and her future. I am of the opinion that if you advocate for the harm of my nation and her people you are my enemy, but sheep don’t see it like that. To them these are great ideas that they come up with, and are worthy of “debate”. Who needs enemies when you have civilians like this?
When they rolled out the DNA-altering covid “vaccine” there was an alarmingly high number of people that wanted to force me into some government internment camp for my refusal. Many of us were fired, and had our livelihoods taken away by the cries of these masses. Which is another example of this whole political system “jumping the shark”. NOBODY, anywhere in the world should have to live under a political system where the other half wants to kill you for making your own medical decisions, but here we are.
We tend to forget that normie masses are people with jobs. Keep in mind that the vast majority of sheepish normies have college degrees, which means these people have important positions. They work in corporate HR, they are Doctors/Nurses/Psychiatrists/Cops etc. Which is why you routinely see law enforcement, mega-corporations and the medical community move in lockstep with “deep state” narratives. These are programmed sheep acting on instinct, and that instinct (that they learned in the US higher education system) tells them that following a narrative and doing political activism is more important than the functions of their jobs. This is why we had so many “educated” nurses and Doctors push a narrative that ran totally counter to their medical training. This is why we watched Law enforcement nationwide take a knee and throw up a black power fist as antifa and black lives matter burned cities down. It’s why the lovely young lady in corporate HR sounds like she works for MSNBC. You don’t need to sit them all down in WEF meetings and give them your agenda if you’ve already programmed them since kindergarten to follow your agenda as instinct. By capturing the education/media institutions they were able to create an entire administrative class of college-educated apparatchiks. This is why it appears that everything moves in lockstep. Because it does. This is the exact opposite of previous communist revolutions, previously they turned the working class into the politically voracious proletariat. In the United States they were able to do it with the college-educated class, and convince them that bullying poor working-class people is “good” and that we shouldn’t have political representation or housing. Soon they will be fed a narrative that we all need to die, and they will go along with it.
So what happens in a “Democracy” when 51% of the population can be convinced to kill the other 49% (We are remarkably close to that now)? Is that the “Democracy” they are so afraid of losing? Yes of course. This “Democracy” is what allowed these demons to have so much power and wealth. From Epstein Island, to Covid, to George Floyd protests to “Most secure election of all time”, it should be crystal clear that NONE of this would have been possible without hordes of truly malleable, brain-dead masses. When our population can be convinced of being Anti-American, Anti-White, radical communists then that’s an indicator of a huge problem. Obviously our education/media is under the control of evil people that want to destroy the country, but what do we do about the fact that American-raised and American-educated civilians can be convinced of this?
The obvious and most humane answer to that is to formulate a solution that forbids demonic morons from affecting US policy and the people that lead our nation. It’s simple. I’m not advocating for mass hangings or internment (even though the media routinely advocate that stuff themselves) I’m simply saying restricting their ability to influence American domestic/foreign policy is a matter of national security. We can’t allow ourselves and our families to live under the boot of blue-haired psychos that want us dead. We can’t continue to allow pontoon-floating Bud-light men to decide whether or not our young go to war.
This isn’t “political” anymore, and you could argue it never was. Much like the citizenry of North Korea, our general population believes in a completely fictional worldview. Many have truly never thought of an original idea in their entire lives, and haven’t worked through a problem since high school. Most people haven’t read a book since middle school. Most people are completely disinterested in learning anything new whatsoever. Thanks to recent twitter threads, we’ve discovered there’s a significant portion of the population that doesn’t have an inner monologue. So why do we puff our chests out with pride at the fact we have allowed ourselves to come under a political system that allows people that haven’t read a book since 6th grade “equal” political power? There is no logical reason, and the fact it’s taken us this long to realize it proves my point.

Being fooled by the clever narratives pushed on us by the media has little to do with IQ, believe it or not. High Iq’s and very low Iq’s are routinely in agreement on most things it seems. The issue is the “Mid-wit”. The remarkably unremarkable, middle of the road intelligence. That is the portion of the population that has been weaponized. They are the ones convinced they are super-geniuses because they got a psychology degree, and base their theories of the universe on Neil Degrasse Tyson ramblings. These are the people that gobble down narratives with out a second thought. These are the people voting for “lesser of two evils”. These are the people injecting themselves with experimental poison and demanding you be jailed/killed for not. It could be a separate article altogether as to why we are seeing such an explosion of the mid-wit in the general population, but either way they must be stopped from dictating the country’s politics/culture. Is there anything more dangerous than an idiot that truly believes they are a genius? Yes there is, and that’s an idiot that thinks he’s a genius with voting rights and “equal” political power. In the grand scheme of things it’s not much different than giving a chimpanzee a machine gun.
I’m pretty convinced that there most likely will never be an “A-ha” moment for the masses. If they haven’t woken up by now, then I’m not sure they ever will. Not my fault, and it’s not your fault. So why do we have to live under their boot? We are fast approaching the most important presidential election in US history. The second most important was 2020, the third most was 2016. Every single major national election has become a "life or death” scenario. We shouldn’t have to live like this. Foreign enemies high jacked the media/education system and brainwashed the population to attack their own country. That’s a sh*tty system if you ask me, and no red-blooded American patriot should tolerate it any longer. ‘Voter id” solves very little. “Voter id” without an iq/civil services test is a waste of time and political capital, but that’s the only idea conservatives can come up with. Why? because they’re a bunch of tv-watching mid-wits too.
Both of the 2 major political parties are responsible. Nobody on either side seems capable or willing to use critical thinking skills. Liberals went from pretty cool “Occupy Wall street” lefties, to chopping off their own genitals and doing free propaganda for Pfizer in a span of about five years, and conservatives went from “BUILD THE WALL DEPORT THEM ALL” to “We should bus immigrants into the country further to own the libs” in about the same timeframe. Neither gets a pass. There’s many people out there that have never thought much about any of this. Myself as an outside observer have watched clever propagandists infiltrate BOTH sides of political discourse and proceed to psy op the living sh*t out of them for over a decade now. At any point these people could have went “Hey, both sides of this thing are ridiculous and don’t represent my interests” but that never happens. It’s just a continuation of the status quo. A continuation of the two-party charade that has irreparably fractured heritage Americans.
Hindsight is always 20/20, and with the benefit of hindsight (and the internet) we can go back and look at when our once great nation was akshually taken over. That timeframe was the early 20th century. We can argue about whether it was the meeting at Jekyll Island or the implementation of the Federal reserve in 1913 if we want, but we know it certainly didn’t start with Obama (sorry conservatives). When we look back that far, and start to look at the fingerprints of the architects of this madness, and see what they were pushing socially on Americans back then, it’s abundantly clear that “universal suffrage” was one of the first things they did. Agitating for women to leave the home, join the workforce and pay taxes like a man was a main priority for them. So was cementing voting rights for people that just got here. Why? is it because they deeply care about the “rights” of peasants? We KNOW that isn’t the case, so what was their real motive? To stuff ballot boxes, cause division, and make the voting base more favorable to their agenda and media tactics. Which of course means they forced the emotionally vulnerable (women), and the constitutionally illiterate (newly arrived immigrants) to the polls, as “equals”. Now that we KNOW this to be true, isn’t it our patriotic duty to change it back? Is it easier to stuff ballot boxes in your favor if only a small handful of people are voting? Or when there’s millions upon millions of “equal” votes in the box?

So what do we do with that information? Well, people like myself can hardly do anything with it besides shout into the void. Why? Because to bring something like that up in modern times means you’re a “Xenophobic, Sexist, racist, NAZI-communist Fascist” which of course show’s that the vast majority of people make up their opinions as they go based on how it makes them “feel”, not on if it’s good/bad for the country. I’ve ran across this back when I was in corporate world. There was many times I would hand down a directive or new thing to the team, and had to pause my meeting to let everyone interject their opinion. “Well I feel…..” My opinion is that x should be y” etc. They knew it wouldn’t change anything but felt the need to have their opinions and feelings heard. This is what our entire political system has devolved into. A group of emotionally manipulated, weak-minded guppies that want to have the perception of having their feelings listened to by imaginary people on the internet and mainstream political figures. Start paying attention when you have conversations with normies at how many of them start a sentence with “Well, I feel” or “Well, I think that”. That is how most people in this crater of a society think about everything. I don’t care whether it’s a movie or a restaurant preference, most people feel the need to chime in with their worthless opinions, and when it comes to political opinions they feel entitled to it.
Thanks to the relentless destruction wrought by the education/media complex many people in this country think that flapping your gums about politics is a measure of intelligence, or at least makes you look smart, but that isn’t true. In my experience most people reveal how stupid they are when they talk about these things. I’m pretty smart, but I suck at math. I’m not too stupid to do it, but I don’t like it, and it doesn’t interest me, so therefore I couldn’t even imagine running my mouth about math-related issues and organizations. I don’t feel the need to give my opinion every time a math-related subject comes up. Yet we tolerate this form of ignorance from morons that feel the need to open their mouth every time a political subject comes up. Most people’s understanding of “politics” comes only during an election season, then it’s right back to ESPN, and reality tv. As someone that spends time on this subject, and actually cares, I find their interjections and insistence on vomiting their opinions they heard on cable news to be offensive and silly. The same way a math professor would be confused and irritated if I told him my opinions on calculus. His reaction would be “I’m sorry, who the f*ck do you think you are exactly, and why do you feel the need to tell me your worthless opinion”? This is precisely the attitude we should have towards political normals, and tv watching goobers. There is no honor or morally defensible reason why we should continue supporting a political system that rewards overgrown children for complying with tyranny.
So where does all of this leave us? What is the best/most humane solution to the FACT that free-thinking patriots are held hostage by masses of morons? I’m not sure, I throw out ideas like IQ/civil services tests but I’m not sure if that’s the best idea. Maybe your idea will be better? The point is what we are doing currently has been an unmitigated disaster, and to continue it’s course so as to not offend middle-aged women that watch the view is suicidal. This whole idea of “everyone votes and is 100% equal” is a tool of the enemies that engulfed our country. Smart people (like YOU if you’re reading this article) need to formulate a system which accomplishes two things. 1. just because the person is an idiot doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have political representation, so what can we do to ensure that mouth-breathing morons don’t have “equal” power but still have their needs met? 2. How can we ensure a situation like this NEVER happens again? I don’t believe in punishing someone for being stupid or gullible, I simply would like to formulate a fair system that accounts for the natural stupidity and gullible nature of the masses. I’m not the bad guy here, the “people” that made everyone think they have to spout off some political opinion to sound smart are. The “people” that diluted political discourse and American policy to the lowest of possible common denominators are. The “people” that manipulate emotionally vulnerable people to bend to their will are.

We as free thinkers, patriots, Christians, and strong men need to break the shackles put upon us by gobs of dummies. It isn’t about our opinions or ideas being “better”, it’s simply the acknowledgement that the masses have, and will continue to be duped into taking positions that are contrary to their personal betterment and national security. It’s about standing up and saying enough is enough, and being willing to say things that are unpopular. Unfortunately in modern America, being an advocate of taking away voting rights from random morons that wear a mask when they’re by themselves in a car is very unpopular. Though it shouldn’t matter. Continuing to let literal idiots that have no interest in using their brains God gave them, and no interest in the complexities and nuances of “politics” to dictate our Nation and culture is not honorable. It’s weakness and willful participation in an evil and cruel system that only benefits the hand rubbing internationalists at the top. It’s a tyranny of the mid-wit and it must end.
It'll take finding a new planet.
And the cockroaches will still follow.
Another point is our judicial system. If "the jury of your peers" is taken from voter roles, are they your peers? What's happening in DC, right now, is a clear indication that the answer is no. Same subject, just different repercussions from letting these people vote. I don't have an answer. I will ponder it.