In 1990 I was born in Flint MI, which at the time actually manufactured vehicles believe it or not. My grandfather worked at “Chevy in the hole”, and several Uncles, Cousins and other extended family worked at “Buick City”. These were massive plants that employed tens of thousands of people, and gave working class people without college educations the ability to earn a GOOD living. When you drive through downtown Flint to this day you will still be greeted with an archway over the road that says “Vehicle City”, but to call Flint the “Vehicle City” is about as accurate as saying the water is safe to drink.
If you aren’t from this area or aren’t familiar with the deliberate plight of Flint MI, you may be asking yourself “what did they replace the automotive industry with?” The answer is nothing, well nothing as far as industry, what they replaced it with is crippling depression and levels of crime that many in America would find unfathomable. As I got older I noticed that these shops were closing, family members were losing their jobs slowly but surely and visual blight began setting in. Chevy in the Hole, Buick city at first, then Ac-Delco, Delphi and the hundreds of other non-union suppliers that were in the area packed up and left or went out of business completely. I always assumed I would work at one of these shops, or a non-union supplier like my father did, and I vividly remember asking my teachers and other “adults in the room” at the time “what are we gonna do?” Then the selling started. You see, other than the people that lost their jobs and were displaced nobody gave a crap. They told (sold) us we are entering the future and we are gonna be working with advanced technology and robots and that we should pursue an education in “computers”.
So why do I bring this up? Because even as a high school kid I understood profoundly how bad this situation is. There is many laws, administrations, and decisions our government made that lead to this (mainly NAFTA) but we should all be asking regardless of what excuses these corporate behemoths give us “If a company makes decisions that boost their profits but damages the nation, why would we allow them to do that?”
When General Motors and others packed up and moved their plants to Canada, Mexico and overseas they did because it was profitable to do so, but at our expense. At our expense to the point Flint MI looks like a post war bomb site rather than a functional city in the 21st century. Not to mention the fact we no longer have any sort of industrial/manufacturing base to speak of anywhere in the nation.
Let’s forget about Flint for a moment because it’s only one small sample of a corporate phenomenon that has decimated this country (deliberately). Let’s focus on what the corporate borg is doing to our country currently.
When the Federal Government unleashed the bio-weapon known as covid-19 on a peaceful civilian population we saw the culmination of over a century of unchecked corporate power lash out against the American people in unison. Corporate America moved in lockstep with whatever the NIH/CDC/FDA told them on a national level. On a state level in places such as Michigan our governor deliberately moved senior citizens into death camps with the full coordination from private medical facilities and senior centers. Governor Whitmer and the 4 other Governors that made this deliberate move to pump up the death toll would NOT have been possible without a willful and obsequious “private sector” to facilitate it.
When mask mandates were rolled out on a national level, there is not one major corporation that comes to mind that stood up to these insane and nonsensical decrees. Employees were told to strap dirty dishrags across their face or risk their livelihoods. Turns out when your entire economic system depends on corporations paying people nominal sums for their time/labor that people will fall in line no matter what if threatened. If employees have the audacity to want a roof over their head and food on their table they better do as they’re told.(which is nothing but a cleverly crafted 21st century slave system).
When “operation warp-speed” was rammed down our throats, major corporations across all industries gleefully began forcing their employees to inject themselves with experimental MRNA gene therapy injections or else, you guessed it, no more house/food for you and your families. Unfortunately too many workers in this country are so dependent on their abusive corporate masters that the fear of losing their jobs trumped whatever reservations they might have at injecting themselves with an obvious bio-weapon. Hardly an economic model worth defending, and hardly a system that any American should tolerate.
Unfortunately the rampant corporate tyranny and abuse didn’t stop just with ridiculous mandates and death shots. During the covid-19 attack on this nation we also saw the largest wealth transfer in human history. Megacorps wasted no time swooping in to claim whatever market share was left open by the SMB (small-medium sized businesses) that were deliberately closed. This was not an accident, and it certainly wasn’t the “free market at work” and companies like Amazon and Pfizer were not “pulling on their bootstraps” they were attacking you and your families, and still are.
If you’ve gotten this far you would see I am painting a CLEAR picture of megacorps and a traitorous Federal Government working in unison against you and your last remaining sovereignty and wealth. Hand in glove. In plain view of the world. The results of this are obvious to anyone with a few functioning brain cells (a rare quality these days).
Just about any Government agency such as the FDA,NIH,CDC, EPA just to name a few are typically staffed by former industry big-wigs from the “private sector”. For example Robert M. Califf commissioner of the FDA has a long and troubling career working in Big-Pharma. That’s right, the guy in charge of regulating the drugs pharmaceutical companies make, cut his teeth at Big-pharma (and Google). He’s just one example of one industry. The same situation arises in just about every agency and is nothing but a revolving door of corporate killers presiding over their own industries (look it up for yourselves, don’t just take my word for it). Hand-in-glove.
We all now know that massive corporations such as Twitter, Google, and Apple have used backdoor (highly illegal) channels to manipulate the information you and I see. The intimate relationship these companies had with White House officials boggles the mind (of people that are paying attention) and played a direct and critical role in the fraudulent election of 2020. So in other words, without the help of our beloved “private sector” they probably wouldn’t have been able to install the Biden regime this easily, or at all. Another vicious attack on the country with the Federal Government working hand and hand with Megacorps to screw YOU and your families out of your own nation.
Now let’s get spooky for a minute and put on our tin foil hats. Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General dynamics and many others are companies that are commonly referred to as the “Military-Industrial complex”. These are private companies (sometimes publicly traded) that have woven themselves into a symbiotic relationship with the US Military and Federal Government. These are the companies that make our bullets, bombs, armor, tanks, jets, nukes, and lord only knows what else. When this is presented to most smooth-brained Americans the dangerous conflict of interest doesn’t register, so I’ll say it plainly. We have MASSIVE and secretive billion dollar enterprises that have a vested interest in the continuation of war for the United States. War for profit, streamlined but we were warned and nobody listened or cared.
The Military Industrial complex (MIC for short) plays another vital role in this game that often goes unnoticed. Let’s say for example you wanted to find out information about something the CIA did some decades ago. You are actually entitled to most things through something called the Freedom of information Act (FOIA for short). I routinely read declassified documents from FOIA requests ranging in topics from UFO’s to Operation Mockingbird to boring agency internal affairs investigations (you would actually be surprised at how little redactions some of this stuff has). You know what isn’t subject to a FOIA request? That’s right, “private” corporations such as Lockheed Martin. How convenient.
Whether its the MIC, or seemingly innocuous “tech” companies it’s clear we have a system of unlimited power held in the hands of only few. We have seen the full force of what these corporate juggernauts are capable of, and we’ve seen them completely buy their way into the government outright, or take over positions in a hostile fashion. The current Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin for example was serving on the board of directors at Raytheon before accepting his position in Joe Biden’s cabinet. As I type this the Pentagon is actively engaged in a proxy war in Ukraine and have already floated the “N-word” as Trump would say, which is utter madness. Most American’s would call me a “conspiracy theorist” for pointing out the flagrant and obvious conflict of interest, but Lloyd Austin is FAR from the only example of this. Regardless of your personal political preferences or artificial worldview, reality is still reality and at some point people will need to deal with some very uncomfortable truths.
When I bring up corporate power and everything above I just mentioned the people that scoff at me and give me the most grief is actually conservatives. Any criticism or alternative economic models are met with accusations of me being some sort of lefty or some variation of “liberal Nazi commy” but I am actually the most right-wing person I know. I only say that because this should NOT be a political issue. These are matters of National security at this point, and until we stop playing word games about “isms” or lying about hard you “pulled on your bootstraps” in the 70’s nothing will change.
If you look at the current state of corporate America and think it’s a great system built on “hard work” and “risk takers” you’re either a total fool, or you haven’t been paying attention. Our entire economic model requires infinite growth with finite resources and manpower. In 2023 we lay under the boot of a nasty corporate state that has YOU in the crosshairs. We have long surpassed platitudes and infantile debates about “free markets” and “you get out what you put in”, in fact the people still saying that type of crap are on a different planet.
Now if you noticed I didn’t even mention the biggest elephant in the room we face in the “private sector” Blackrock. Why? Because that’s an article all to itself. If we can’t get people to wake up and realize that just because you got a cheap pontoon out of the system doesn’t mean it’s good, then we are in big trouble. Cheap consumer electronics, Grub hub, ipads, and ridiculous battery cars are nothing to be proud of. We live in a dysgenic society that is being dragged slowly into the pits of hell and I won’t stand for it any longer. We should be arguing about this on a moon colony by now, not masturbating to VR porn while our Uber eats driver brings us Arby’s to our studio apartment we pay $2000/month to live in. That’s no way for a human being to live and we are meant for SO MUCH more.
It should not be a controversial statement to say that massive mega corporations should serve a national interest instead of only profit on paper for their shareholders and themselves. We should no longer be attempting to discern between “private” Megacorps and the Federal Government.
You may see it referred to a “Corporatocracy” or a “plutocracy”, but whatever you call it, we should ALL agree it isn’t “Good Ol’ fashioned American bootstraps” and “free market capitalism”. “Private enterprise and the Federal Government is the same beast and some could argue it always was going back to the days of JP Morgan and Rockefeller. The Uniparty and the Fortune 500 are one in the same, a massive bludgeon the likes of which the world has never seen and it’s cracking you over the head as many defend it. I challenge anyone reading this to begin formulating solutions to this and not be afraid of being called proponents of certain “isms” or “ocracy’s” and come up with something that works, and more importantly SPEAK UP.