The purpose of a system is what it does.
Let's change the framing of how we look at problems in the 21st century
An old colleague of mine who was actually worthy of the college degree hanging in his office once explained to me the concept of “the purpose of a system is what it does” and it changed the way I looked at everything. I was in his office whining about the new IT ticket system that our competent, grateful and hygienic H1B-visa IT team devised. None of the tickets for my team were getting worked on in a timely fashion and they all straight up quit coming out of their office to help (they worked on a different floor). This had been going on since they rolled out the new “system” for IT issues a few weeks prior. During the conversation he finally stopped me, chuckled and said “don’t you get it?”, I said “get what?”, and he said “the purpose of a system is what it does”. Then it dawned on me, the purpose of their new IT system wasn’t to streamline the process or make it better, it was so that they didn’t have to respond to IT tickets and do their jobs, the system wasn’t broken. It worked exactly as intended.
Now what if we took this concept and applied it to general society and politics? A good example would probably be the Mcdonald’s Ice-cream machine yes? They are broken almost all the time to the point it’s a meme. If I was standing next to the engineer that designed the Mcdonald’s Ice-cream machine and he kept blabbering on about how it makes, “chocolate, vanilla, AND if you pull this lever it makes chocolate and vanilla swirl!!” I would say “ no it doesn’t. It breaks constantly. What is the purpose of standing around discussing how your system SHOULD work when clearly it doesn’t"?” The purpose of a system is what it does. Follow so far?
So apply this logic to some things in our government. Take the Department of Education for example. Signed into law in 1979, and implemented nationally the following year is a system we’re told is to improve educational standards across the board. The official department mission statement is as follows. “Establishing policies on federal financial aid for education, and distributing as well as monitoring those funds. Collecting data on America's schools and disseminating research. Focusing national attention on key educational issues. Prohibiting discrimination and ensuring equal access to education”. No we know that not only are those things false, but we can correctly point to the implementation of the Dept. of Education with our collective freefall of IQ and test scores. If the results of the department correlates with plummeting intelligence, than we should deduce that the purpose of this system is what it does. Now reconcile that with politicians (from any party) that want to “reform” or “fire” the Dept. of Education. Despite fiery rhetoric from conservative politicians, anyone claiming this system can be reformed is not only lying to you, but are somehow vested in keeping that system functional. Still with me?
Let’s look at the ATF. Here is their official mission statement pulled right from their website. “To conduct investigations utilizing our unique expertise, partnerships, and intelligence to enhance public safety by enforcing the laws and regulations and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America”. Now let’s compare that to the truth, that not only are they flagrantly unconstitutional but gun crime has spiraled out of control under their watch and the only people that have had their rights restricted are law abiding White people for the most part. They were directly responsible for WACO/Ruby Ridge, and continue to gut the constitution on a daily basis. So I deduce that the purpose of this system is what it does. When politicians say things like “The ATF needs more funding” or “Thanks to the brave men and women of the ATF for slaughtering families and people’s dogs etc.” you should pay very close attention. Because what they are doing is reinforcing their support for a system that does what it does.
If you take your emotions, reactive tendencies and knee-jerk reactions out of these things you would see clearly that the entire US government is a system functioning exactly as intended. From the federal level, all the way down to podunk-town mayors it’s a system that accomplishes nothing but enriches the people at the top, replaces you with illegals, and slowly but surely strips you of your rights. It wasn’t it’s original purpose, and it’s not functioning as it’s stated purpose, so what is the point of standing around discussing what our government SHOULD do, instead of what it actually does. The purpose of a system is what it does, remember? This is what the entire “conservative” media empire does all day, every day. They get good people and hardworking patriots to rip their hair out trying to “fix” systems that are working as intended, while driving their audience away from underlying causes or any ideas that would supplant said system.
If you’ve followed me on Gab, or read any of my other stuff you would know I get extremely frustrated with the state of “conservatism” these days. We desperately need conservative voters to become the *actual* opposition party to what we face. We need people to escape the framing of traitorous politicians and their media lapdogs and think of things through a lens of reality. I used the Dept. of Education and ATF as quick examples, but that thinking should be applied to practically every institution in this country. If we can properly apply this principle to our government then we can actually repair the country instead of slapping a band-aid on it or keep it limping along in this woeful state.
At the heart of contemporary conservative politics is more or less the idea of “Hey, we got a pretty good thing going, let’s not muck it up. Let’s conserve what we have.” Now for some people in 2024, everything is fine. Nothing is exploding on their doorstep, the pontoon payment was made on time, there isn’t a nuclear warhead heading for their house specifically, so everything is A-ok. However for most Americans, this entire system has gone belly up, and only serves to continue the punishment. The people that still think everything is fine are almost certainly going to have a knee-jerk reaction to “conserve” and meet any complaints with “it’s working fine for me, what’s your problem you lazy bum?” which totally ignores the bigger picture in favor of personal comfort. When our only political inclination is to “conserve” a system we know is in the toilet, then it means we have a significant portion of the electorate that aren’t thinking about anything, and aren’t looking further ahead.
If I was alive in the early 1800’s I would most likely be a staunch conservative, but the game has changed. We don’t live in the 1800’s and this isn’t the Reagan-era of the 1980’s. We live in a corporatized, technocracy full of really nasty people, and an economy that only works for retirees, and a few people at the top. The time for “conservation” of any of our systems has come and passed. The window for “reform” was closed before I was even born. When we are met with the problems we face in the 21st century, we must find ways to adapt to them, and sticking with political principles from the 1700’s in the face of a brutal communist takeover has not worked. Not even a little bit.
Let’s try to stop conserving things that need to be junked. Modern conservatives have practically become political hoarders. Sometimes you have to throw some sh*t away. We need to come up with new ways of doing things. Many conservatives today idolize the founding fathers, as do I, but ask yourself something. What were their politics of their time? Were they conservatives? Absolutely not, if they were they would have been politically attempting to conserve the way things were then. Right? What they were was revolutionaries. They thought of new ways of doing things, new forms of government, and new sets of rules. They would be the same if they were alive today, and would most likely be disgusted with anyone involved in “conservative” politics in 2024. Why? Because it’s been totally ineffective, and still allows for our enemies to engulf every institution with impunity. The purpose of a system is what it does.
We have to start framing things in a way that accounts for reality, and allows ideas for new ways of doing things to flourish. What’s happened to our institutions were NOT accidents. These were deliberate, long planned attacks on our country that happened without anyone noticing. The result of this has lead this once great nation on a trajectory that looks very much like turn of the 20th century Russia. We have to start looking at things in this frame. Instead of pulling your hair out, and sending money to catturd, you should be formulating NEW ways of doing things. Instead of thinking the people that are in charge of the FBI are a bunch of bumbling incompetents, tell yourself the truth and realize the system is working exactly as intended and they know EXACTLY what they are doing. The purpose of a system is what it does, and when you look at the atrocious results of these systems and see what they do, your political reaction should not be conservatism. It should be “Ok that was a giant disaster. Let’s come up with a better system”. I know the concept of “the purpose of the system is what it does” fly’s in the face of modern conservatism, and that’s the entire point of this article. We MUST understand and recognize that our government and all the various institutions that are attacking this country are working exactly as designed. These weren’t accidents, and there is nothing to conserve about them. The purpose of a system is what it does.
Now ask yourself if your political party’s purpose is what it does? Because what I see from modern conservatism is a bunch of confused, angry, perplexed, reactionary people that have atrocious ideas for how to fix the mess we’re in, so I am left to deduce that the purpose of that system is what it does. It’s up to you whether or not to make the ideological change necessary to help dig ourselves out of this mess. Just know that what we describe as “modern conservatism” WILL be chucked into the dustbin of history regardless. Not out of malice, or personal preference but because it’s purpose is what it does, and what it’s done is allow the left to take FULL control of this country without firing a single shot. - the purpose is what it does…