The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a secret society in Great Britain that was officially in operation from 1887-1903. Founded by 3 Freemasons as a new age occult institution based on the hierarchy of a masonic lodge, it was a magical order focusing on Western occultism. Not David Blaine “magic” but the real stuff, the dark stuff. It’s important to remember it doesn’t matter if YOU believe in any of this, they do and they believe in it quite fiercely. From the Golden Dawn to Freemasonry to the Rosicrucian’s, these secret societies have produced some of the most powerful people on earth. From kings to popes to CIA directors to some of the founding fathers, the founding roots of many world leaders can be traced to these organizations.
Unlike Freemasonry, women were equals in the Golden Dawn, and unlike the name implies it was actually 3 separate orders. The first order being Kaballah worship (big surprise), the second being magical rituals such as scrying and geomancy, but the third is what sets the Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn apart from the rest of these satanic cults. Their belief in what they called “The Secret Chiefs”. The Secret chiefs were what they believed were cosmic, extra-dimensional beings that they could come into contact with. Thought to be advanced magi and supreme authorities of their practice, they sought these entities out through a series of bizarre rituals and sigil placements (more on sigils later). Aleister Crowley who was perhaps the Golden Dawn’s most famous member was said to have made contact with several of the “Secret Chiefs” the most famous instance being the one he referred to as “Lam” which he actually sketched a picture of.
I know this all sounds completely nuts, but I assure you this is all very real. These societies and their practices go very very deep into all aspects of society. You most likely have a Freemasonic lodge in your small town that does fish fry’s on Friday nights, and raises money for the local police (there’s a reason for that). What you probably don’t know is that admission into their ranks requires you to undergo a secret ritual, still not known to outsiders. You can call me old fashioned, but I’m no fan of “secret” rituals occurring in my backyard, if it has to be secret then I assume it’s for a reason. Now I’m not implying that every single person involved in Freemasonry is some sort of satanic occult wizard, but they have a hierarchy and the higher in the ranks you go the nuttier it gets. They seem to take great care in compartmentalizing the actual occult rites and practices of the real players, from their normie initiates. Even the 33rd degree (the highest known level of Freemasonry) is split into two. Seemingly one for the public to use as an example and go “see it’s no big deal it’s just old men in silly costumes and they seem totally normal” and guys that actually know the real scoop.
Here are a few examples of high ranking 33rd degree Freemasons that should make you scratch your head, and start to ponder if this is still some History channel-tier “Conspiracy theory” after all.
Winston Churchill
Billy Graham (televangelist)
Jesse Jackson (civil rights conman)
Joseph Smith (founder of the Mormon cult)
J. Edgar Hoover
George Bush
Walt Disney
Bill Clinton
Colin Powell
Al Gore
Buzz Aldrin
Harry S. Truman
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Benjamin Franklin
John Elway (Quarterback)
The Rothschild’s and Rockefellers are all connected to freemasonry at high levels as well.
Not exactly a “moose lodge” or a harmless fraternity it seems. When you start doing more research on this subject (which I hope this essay compels you to) you will see some very strange bedfellows in the freemasonic ranks. John F. Kennedy made a very famous speech outlining his very real concerns, and the dangers of these secret societies operating under our noses. If you’ve done as much research on this topic as I have over the years, what he’s describing in this speech will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. He knew EXACTLY what they were up to and wished to stop it, but he knew that before he could the American public would need to be smartened up on the issue. The full speech is below, and WELL worth 19 minutes of your time.
Kennedy knew the dangers of random secret societies operating with impunity, churning out powerful leaders. He knew if he didn’t act that they would slowly and methodically take over. Unfortunately (they) acted first and assassinated him on television to send a message to the world. Was it because of this speech? Or his stance on a nuclear Israel? Or his desire to stay out of Vietnam? We may never know, but I would wager it’s a combination because all of those things are directly connected to the cult. It’s important to understand the the POTUS isn’t some anonymous autistic kid grabbing memetic bits of information and concocting theories, he has access to ALL the classified info in the world more or less, and his knowledge of these secret societies troubled him enough to make that speech. I wonder what he actually knew.
Back to Sigils/Runes. It’s essentially “symbol” magic, and we all should know by now how heavy the cult is on “symbols”. They put them everywhere. They wish to create a different reality by use of certain symbols. The use of these symbols comes from a satanic belief that we are co-creators of the universe, and that we have the ability (and right) to alter our reality as we see fit. Some sigils are used for silly things like attracting a romantic partner, or financial success, but with orders like the Golden Dawn these sigil rituals get much more complex and dark. Attempting to open portals to hell, speaking with demonic entities, and hexes are just the tip of the iceberg for how these sigils were used. Now I know this probably sounds silly and superstitious, but remember the high ranking masons we discussed earlier? These are people with access to all the secret/classified info in the world, and they believe this stuff. What does that tell you?
Now that you see some common sigils/runes used by these societies you should look to broader society and see if you can notice them (all over the place for centuries). Jimmy Page famously added sigils to the vinyl album of Led Zeppelin IV (and refuses to tell anyone what they mean). Chances are you’ve seen these types of sigils/runes all over, and just think nothing of it or that it’s just a random shape someone drew, but that isn’t the case. They are extremely heavy on symbolism for a reason, and in their twisted satanic belief system they think that if they openly display their evil/symbolism and tell you what they have planned for you, and you do nothing about it, then you deserve what they have coming for you. It’s hard to argue with that. Their existence and plans for you couldn’t be more obvious. Continuing to poo-poo this as some whacky “conspiracy theory” is how we got into this mess in the first place.
Now you might be thinking “why don’t the heckin police DO something about this?”. Well the simple answer is most of them are freemasons too. This is where most normies check out completely because it scares the sh*t out of them. It also starts to demonstrate proof of a real overarching conspiracy, and when proof is involved most normies can’t handle it. They like things much better when they’re just a silly “conspiracy theory”. The police in this country are supposed to be a civil service position, beholden to the constitution and nothing else. Yet for the past 40 years in this country we have seen the police become HIGHLY politicized and militarized. We have witnessed them ALL take a knee coast to coast in the face of violent riots, and in Uvalde TX, we witnessed an entire department stand down as a shooter mercilessly butchered children in their own school as officers arrested concerned parents trying to get to their dying kids. Does this indicate evidence all these cops are involved in a secret satanic society? No, but it’s clear our “police” have been infiltrated by something and it goes MUCH further than “a few bad apples at the top”. We have seen unreal amounts of evidence that this rot extends to even the lowliest of rank and file. Is this indicative of a higher loyalty than the constitution and the people they swore to protect? Sure does seem like it to me, maybe not necessarily loyalties to satan, but certainly something. Especially when there is deafening silence from the ranks. Can you show me ONE example of a cop throwing down their badges in disgust after things like Uvalde? I’ll wait.
Again I just want to reiterate that I know all this stuff sounds nuts, but it doesn’t make it not real. Is it a stretch to say cops have been infiltrated by clandestine Freemasonic influence? Maybe it would be if their symbols weren’t all over their actual badges for crying out loud. Oftentimes in today’s society we are met with uncomfortable truths, and when we are, we have a choice to make. Either accept it as true, and adapt your worldview to reflect that truth, or continue to ignore it and just file it under “baseless conspiracy theory” and continue watching tv. It’s not shocking the vast majority choose the latter, which is precisely the cover that these demons have used to operate under.
Most American have no idea about the saga of Jeffrey Epstein (and it shows). He was first arrested in 2009 for sexual contact with minors and walked free. I knew then it was a pedophile blackmail operation and have been talking about it for just as long(deductive reasoning and critical thought are powerful tools). You could imagine the vindication I was going to feel when he really went down in 2019, but that day never came. It was mostly memory-holed and then he was assassinated in jail and just became “Hehehe Epstein didn’t kill himself Hehehe” and now it’s hardly even talked about despite being the biggest political scandal in the history of mankind (never underestimate the power of the mass media and the utter stupidity of the masses). The reason I bring this up is Epstein Island was chock full of satanic/masonic symbolism everywhere. Not only was it a pedophile blackmail scheme involving the Israeli MOSSAD, but it was an underground satanic ritual chamber as well (where they did unspeakable things that most people simply can’t fathom).
Speaking of Epstein Island, the other culprit (and likely the logistical brains behind the operation) Ghislaine Maxwell (MOSSAD operative) had a very famous father, Robert Maxwell. You see Robert was a British citizen, but was an “Israeli super-spy” working for the MOSSAD the entire time. After Robert’s death in 1991 he was given a heroes funeral at the satanic/occult capital (Israel). That isn’t surprising at all, many such cases of Israeli infiltration of Western countries, a scourge that is worse now than it ever was. What is most interesting about Robert and what is most relevant to you was his official profession. He was a publisher, but most specifically an “Academic” publisher. He owned the Permagon Press, the British printing corporation, Mirror group newspapers, and Macmillan publishing. So in other words, occult affiliated “Israeli super spy” played a pivotal role in crafting K-12 education in the United States and Western Europe. Which is a fact most people can’t fully understand the gravity of. It’s no accident that the common man is becoming stupider, less knowledgeable and completely detached from their own heritage and history.
What is a “conspiracy theory” anyways? Is it not a theory that parties are conspiring? Why does that term evoke such eye-rolling disgust in the minds of the masses? Is it really so crazy that people would conspire against one another? Of course it’s not crazy, it’s the bulk of human history, and the reason people are so disarmed by the term “conspiracy theory” is because they were programmed to be. The term “conspiracy theory” was literally coined by the CIA to discredit anyone questioning the official story of the Kennedy assassination, and it worked swimmingly. In modern America the media/US govt lob accusations of “conspiracy theorist” at even the most innocuous examples of mild criticism of the government, and it still works like a charm. If you approached the average normie in America and asked them what they thought of “conspiracy theories” they would illustrate that they view anyone that isn’t in 100% compliance with whatever the mockingbird media is saying at that time is a “conspiracy theorist”. The very term “conspiracy theory” is a “conspiracy theory” in itself. Very meta, and very horrifying that so many people continue to fall for this bludgeoning shame tactic, especially when “conspiracy theorists” are almost 100% proved correct if enough time is allotted, but that doesn’t stop the braindead zombies from guzzling down mainstream media talking points when a new “current thing” arrives on the scene.
We have a serious problem. We have countless amounts of satanic secret societies, even confirmed by a sitting president who was subsequently assassinated and most people including some “conspiracy theorists” that think all of this is asinine. I will most likely get a lot of heat for even writing this article. The choice we have to make is simple. We either ignore it, or we recognize the signs and do something about it. The first thing you can do about it is realize the world is a much more evil and dark place than you’ve been lead to believe. Humanity is in a dark age, and is being ruled by dark people with an eschatological world view. Yuval Noah Harari, Marina Abromivic, Klaus Schwab, George Soros all have ties to Satanism and occult societies. What they say with their own lips should horrify you and motivate you to fight back, and you can’t fight back against something you don’t know exists, or refuse to acknowledge it exists.
I could write 10 essays about all of the occult influence in our media and politics. The Podesta brothers, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, John Kerry etc. etc. etc. it’s endless these people are everywhere and seem to have a total monopoly on power and the airwaves. You would have a harder time NOT finding a powerful world leader or media organization that isn’t eyeballs deep into this sickness. The UN, WHO, WEF, and the entirety of the US federal government are hopelessly infested with these people, and these organizations are the bludgeons they will use in their attempt to consolidate their power and subjugate your families for eternity. As Christians we wish to make things on earth as they are in heaven, but these people are satanists. They find pleasure from evil and disgusting things that would repulse us, they operate on the mottos of “As above so below” (hell on earth basically) and “Do as thou wilt” (everything is permitted). These are formidable enemies with immense power, and rigid dedication. They seek to corrupt your children, displace you, and make you reliant on them for everything. If they go unopposed and are able to finalize their plans, the evil on this planet would have no comparison. “Hell on earth” would be an understatement.
Not to be too alarming though. The good news is that enough people have woken up to this to be able to mount some resistance as they finalize their end game. Knowledge truly is power, and the only reason they have the power they do is for two reasons. One being the masses are pretty dumb, easily malleable and generally unknowledgeable about the world we live in. The second being the crimes and practices they are involved in are so bizarre and unspeakable many people simply don’t believe it, even when presented proof. Below I am going to list out some common symbols that these satanists love to put in our faces on everyday television programs, album covers, magazines and most frequently children’s movies and television shows. Organizations like Nickelodeon and Netflix must NOT be allowed to be broadcast into your children’s brains under any circumstances. You’ve been warned. If you see any of the below in any form of media, turn it off, and make sure your children aren’t watching it.
Upside down crosses (not to be confused with the cross of St. Peter)
Anything covered in gold/golden idols
All seeing eyes/eye of Ra
Heavy on Egyptian symbolism (The cult WORSHIPS ancient Egypt)
Celebrities/politicians covering one eye/making a circle with their fingers over one eye.
One hand inside of a pocket or breast of a coat that looks out of place
Making triangle shapes with their hands for no reason. (Several of the detectives involved in the Delphi murders, and the Moscow Idaho killings have been seen making these symbols inexplicably in front of the cameras)
Blood references, excessive blood, blood rituals, drinking blood etc.
Sacrilegious or anti-Christian themes. Blasphemous mockery of Christianity. These people aren’t being edgy they want you dead.
Pizza references
Many more to list that would indicate occult influence, but if you stick with these and do more research on this subject you’ll be in good shape. The most important thing you can do is to ensure your children are protected from this type of content. The next time you turn on children’s programming on Nickelodeon or Netflix see if you can notice any of those symbols or themes. Chances are you won’t be able to believe your eyes as to how obvious this all is to the trained eye. You must also shield yourselves and children from things like tarot cards, Ouija boards, and other forms of dark arts that have been normalized in our society. Dabbling in these things opens you up to demonic forces and energies, which is why these things were normalized in the first place.
The purpose of this essay is NOT to scare you, or motivate you to become a schizo that obsesses over these things, but to inform you. An informed public is a powerful weapon against the forces that wish to conquer us. It’s one thing to not wish any of this is true(believe me I wish this was all fake) but it’s quite another to ignore it and mock those that share this information with you. This essay is NOT a deep dive, it’s a primer, and I truly hope what you’ve read here encourages you to continue looking into this, and to shield your families from demonic forces that we can hardly comprehend. Below I will leave you with 3 books that I strongly encourage you to read that will go into much deeper detail about these societies, and their historical relevance. These are ANCIENT practices and organizations, and if we don’t stop them, humanity as we know it will be over.
The Holy Bible
Behold a pale horse by Bill Cooper (must read for anyone really)
Holy Blood Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln
Thank you for reading, and as always please share this with your sleepy friends and family members. As we continue this fight it’s important to swell our ranks and share information with those we love. If they mock you, ridicule you, or call you crazy just remember THEY are the crazy ones. THEY are the ones that reject information and craft their own worldviews and religious doctrines based on their feelings, and the only reason these people don’t feel some sense of shame and embarrassment for being ignorant sheep is because the people that craft the worldview’s of the masses want them ignorant, and they provide ample social rewards for those that CHOOSE to stay dumb. YOU are strong, and brave for jumping into this fight with both feet. God is on our side, and may God bless all of those that made the choice to fearlessly fight back against this evil. Always ALWAYS remember that it matters not if YOU believe in any of this, what matters is the most powerful people in the world with access to ALL the information believe these things fervently, and they won’t stop until they’re stopped.
I'll add on here. Midway through the holy blood holy grail book. Bit of a history buff, so the dynastic plays against the Valois make more sense now.
Given the occult is often about sacrifices, it's a nagging question I have. Are the Boomers maybe the way they are thanks to sacrificing at the TV? Or are thier descendants a bit like sacrificial lambs to them? I mean, I'm a mid millenial and it's stunning how like at my work, the poor zoomers seem restricted to temp labor spots only like a gerontacracy and the Boomer bosses stuck on fox News half seem to relish a draft.
Will do,
If any questions are on the table, is the secret societies and cults why with the green power there appears to be some sort of Gaia worship? And is there a reason they ignore things like nuclear fission / fusion tech that might actually do the decarbonizing thing? Or other types of pollution? Is it just corporate buddies? Are the Q people part of this somehow - they seemed a bit culty?
Apologies if these are total normie questions.