As a normal, sane American that isn’t hopelessly brainwashed by the media, I can observe the country from a 30,000 ft. perspective and remove my emotions and personal feelings when weighing in on an issue. I tend to look at things as an outside observer, because as a straight White Christian male that’s all I am in this country. When I go up 30,000 ft. and start dissecting American conservatism, I’m actually astonished this political ideology has lasted as long as it has.
Before I get too critical, I want to make it clear that at the end of the day, I agree with the main tenets of conservatism. I’m aggressively pro-life, anti-immigration, pro-family, against gay marriage etc. On their face I agree with these things in theory, but in practice conservatives and the politicians they entrusted have done absolutely nothing to conserve any of these things. In fact over the years the party has been yanked so far left that it’s indistinguishable from the Democrat platform just 5-10 years ago. I’ve often asked conservatives one question desperately hoping for an answer but I have gotten none. The question is “when you look at America in 2023, what about it are we attempting to conserve?” Crickets.
When I observe Conservatives and engage with them both online and in the real world it becomes immediately clear I’m engaging with someone that has never thought twice about their beliefs. They have seldom if ever questioned conservative media mouthpieces that feed them lines, and they’ve never once asked themselves “is there a better way to do this?”. Most conservatives have been indoctrinated with some very nasty beliefs and ideas over the years, especially in the last 5. One of the main programming techniques the conservative media put into their listeners heads is that because they are conservative, they are the smartest people in the room at any given time. From National review, to Mark Levin to Hannity ALL of mainstream conservative media has undertones of “I’m better than” and therefore there is no need for them to re-evaluate or think critically about the political ideology they have married themselves to. Not good.
Conservative politics has manifested itself in the Republican party to lackluster results. Every election cycle we have to hear the SAME crap from the conservative borg. Does this sound familiar?
Step 1. Ruthlessly shill for candidate with (R) in front of their name.
Step 2. Ignore any shady connections, strange bedfellows or mysterious affiliations they have because (R).
Step 3. Ignore and ridicule any detractors attempting to warn them about the candidates questionable ties/loyalties because (R)
Step 4. Get them elected into office screaming about “LESSER OF TWO EVILS”
Step 5. Candidate gets into office and immediately betrays their base, and enacts the agenda of the people that actually run this country.
Step 6. Call that politician a RINO.
Step 7. Wash rinse repeat every 2 years for eternity.
This 7 step process has allowed the conditions we face today. When your opposition party does absolutely nothing but feed you lines and betray you for DECADES, and nobody adjusts course, then you’re just as responsible for the state of the country as blue-haired libtards are. I watch them twist their minds into pretzels attempting to rationalize all of this, but it never once popped into their head “maybe I was wrong”. Because of the arrogance involved in conservative media, most conservatives truly 100% believe that not only are they incapable of being fooled, but their political ideology is the only one that is correct. ALL others are some form of commy, Nazi, Nazi-Commy, Nazi-Democrat or SOSHULISM. It’s all extremely tiresome, not only because they don’t actually know what any of those words mean, but it displays their “I’m right and everyone else is wrong” attitude.

I’m not advocating for any particular political ideology. I don’t have ideological blinders on, and stay open to new ideas and political concepts. In 2023 the world has changed so rapidly that it makes no sense to me why so many conservatives think that strict adherence to political concepts and traditions from the 1700’s is the ONLY way to move forward. I have tremendous reverence for the Founding Fathers, the founding of this nation itself and the Constitution, but I would be a liar if I said that the Constitution served as the bullet proof protection from tyranny it was supposed to be. The constitution has been absolutely shredded by both parties for decades. The true RINO’s are the bill of rights. Because all they are in 2023 is “Rights in Name Only”. Unfortunately for the country the weight of what that truly means hasn’t actually hit the conservative masses yet. They whine about the constitution being stripped away, but still think everything is a big joke and all we’re experiencing is a bad dummycrap president, and we’ll change course next election. Fatal flaws abound. The truth is if the Founders were alive today they would most likely stick the average conservative in the belly with their bayonets for 99% of the garbage they believe in.

Every election cycle since Obama’s first term has been has been apoplectic charade of “IF WE DONT GET (R) ELECTED WE AREN’T GONNA HAVE A COUNTRY”, then we get (R) elected and we get bipartisanship and betrayal. Without fail, yet when I suggest that conservatives abandon the Republican party and adapt their political goals/ideology to match the times I’m called a Nazi/liberal/CCP agent/Soros puppet/KGB agent. Now that’s called programming, these people have been programmed by the conservative media to ruthlessly attack anyone more right wing than they are, or anyone that doesn’t believe EXACTLY what they believe at any given moment. Many conservatives look at themselves as superiors to the modern left because they view liberals as hopelessly brainwashed tv watchers (they are), but conservatives need to look in the mirror and realize they’re being programmed and brainwashed in the EXACT same fashion, just with different principles and faces. The mainstream media in ALL forms is toxic poison that needs to be designated as State propaganda, and most of these news outlets need to be hit with sedition charges, including Fox News. Conservatives have a weakness where they hurl their FULL trust and support behind literally ANYONE with (R) in front of their name, and says what they want to hear. This is indicative of a major major problem.
Liberals have been brainwashed into demons, and I have absolutely no desire or motivation to attempt to win them over in 2023. Conservatives on the other hand are worth saving. At the end of the day these aren’t bad people, and many truly are actual patriots. The problem is they can’t get out of their own way, and view ANY criticism or encouragement to change course as an attack. When you boil all this down, you would see that the way in which they receive and parse information, and then get suckered by politicians who hate them, there is little to no difference between them and the left. The only difference seems to be which channel of cable news they watch, and the ideas they espouse. The media saturation, reckless arrogance, and inability (or flat out refusal) to use critical thinking is the exact same as the modern leftist.

Trump himself keeps telling Republicans that they need to get “MUCH TOUGHER” and he’s 10,000% right but unfortunately it has fallen on deaf ears. I sometimes sit in slack jawed amazement at how easily distracted and befuddled the average conservative is at any given time. The enemies we face are demonic pedophiles hell-bent on mutilating children’s genitals and instituting post-birth abortions nationwide. The left’s mask has been totally off since at least Obama’s second term and yet conservatives, and their apparatchiks in the Republican party continues to shift further left. I know it sounds harsh, but if you’re staring down the very determined and dynamic enemy we face, and just continue to double down on a political party YOU KNOW is not representing your interests you are a coward and a fool.
I never try to get bogged down on “isms” or “ocracy’s”, yet the modern conservative seems to be completely obsessed with attributing the wrong “ism’s” to things to make themselves sound smart, and to build in an excuse for their inaction and failure to adapt. “We can’t do that, that would be SOCIALISM”, “We can’t do that because that is COMMUNISM”. Ok then, I guess we’ll just sit here and do absolutely nothing, and be a stick in the mud while the left DEVOURS this country. Nice plan Einstein. The truth about “ism’s” is that they don’t matter one bit. The name of your political system/form of government means absolutely NOTHING and never has. You can come up with your own system of government and call it whatever you want. The official name of North Korea’s governing body is the DPRK, which stands for the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”. Now if you know anything about North Korea you would know they aren’t democratic, and they sure as hell aren’t a republic. See my point? Continuing to sit there and call everything except for your specific beliefs some sort of “ism” isn’t the big brain move you think it is.
Since the left pulled off a coup in 2020 and had the duly elected President thrown out of the WH by his short hairs on television, the state of conservatives isn’t great. I still don’t think the severity or consequences of that have actually hit them yet. This kind of thing was never supposed to happen in the United States. Retirement aged conservatives believe FULLY in our system of government and have been told their entire lives that “We are the best, our system is the best, and any other system is BAD”. From schoolhouse rock, to the nightly news these people were lulled into a false sense of security by very evil and determined people. The way they were able to accomplish this is by stripping away people’s ability to think critically. “The good guys are in charge, why would they lie to us”. When you’ve been told your entire life “our system is the best”, and watch what’s happened to this country and STILL believe “our system is the best” that is a hopelessly befuddled individuals that is incapable of grasping the dire circumstances we are in. Which is a very bad sign when these people represent the only “opposition” party against the left.
The Republican party’s decent into the adaptation of leftist views is evidenced by the rhetoric their tv watching base espouses. When Trump ran in 2016 it was “BUILD THE WALL DEPORT THEM ALL”, then by 2018 it was “AS LONG AS THEY COME HERE LEGALLY” then it quickly became “LETS BUS THEM INTO THE INTERIOR OF THE NATION TO OWN THE LIBS HEHE” then in 2022 they just elected several Latina politicians who’s families have been here for one generation, if that. Quite the slippery slope eh? In 2016 the average conservative viewed transgenderism as freakish and unacceptable behavior, nowadays they have transvestite “Lady Maga” hold an ar-15 and give speeches at CPAC. This rapid shift took almost no time at all. How did they do this? It’s simple, when your base doesn’t use critical thinking skills and blindly trusts anyone that says what they want to hear then they can be easily manipulated, grifted and molded. That’s precisely what happened.
Flash forward to today, and you will see most conservatives are in total lockstep with BRANDON in regards to Israel. How could this be? How could they sit there and scream for several years about “rigged elections” and Biden’s atrocious anti-White, anti-American policies, then throw it all out the window to support his endeavor for starting WW3? Many conservatives have been in lockstep with BRANDON in regards to Ukraine as well. These conflicts have the potential (very high potential) to trigger a nuclear Armageddon, yet they’re all gas and no brakes when it comes to a new foreign war. This is the result of decades of programming. No human being in their right mind would be advocating a draft and America’s involvement in a thermo-nuclear World war. It’s a totally inorganic position to have, and is another example of the inability of the conservative masses to use those brains God gave them. It’s one thing to be wrong or misguided, and it’s quite another thing to be pounding war drums on behalf of the State department and Raytheon. This is all evidence of cult-level brainwash and the use of military grade psychological operations on a peaceful civilian population. Regardless of brainwashing, if you find your self on the side of “We need to draft all the young White men to go fight yet another war in the Middle East” then you aren’t the good guys of this story.

I could continue to dissect and criticize modern conservatism for days, but I’m not gonna do that. I hate bringing up problems without offering a solution. When I was in corpo-world, and my subordinates brought up a problem, I expected them to have an idea for a solution. Because if you don’t then you’re just whining in an unproductive fashion. I’m gonna end this article with some solutions/ideas for conservatives to hopefully change course before it’s too late.
Turn off the f*cking television.
Stop blindly following/listening to anyone. Apply scrutiny to ANYONE attempting to court your money and support.
Do your own research on everything.
Aggregate your sources. Instead of just going to a handful of mainstream news websites for news, utilize the internet, and the vast amounts of citizen journalists that are out there. Have a large amount of sources, aggregate the information and come to your own conclusions.
Apply the same level of scrutiny that you deploy against the left onto conservative politicians, commentators and random internet people. Myself included. I appreciate the support I have, but I better not catch you guys blindly following my word as gospel. ALWAYS apply critical thinking, and healthy skepticism to EVERYTHING you see online.
Identify YOUR wants/needs/desires as an American citizen and compare them to what agendas politicians have. Do they match? No? then he'/she isn’t your candidate, regardless of what letter in parenthesis they have in front of their name.
Recognize that the GOP/RNC are not angels. These are nasty, ruthless political machines no different from the DNC. Stop giving your money and support to organizations that have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they don’t represent you.
Take time to “ponder the orb”. Analyze your belief system and ask yourself “Do I really believe this, or am I being manipulated into taking X position?”
Start thinking in terms of WINNING. Being a principled loser is for fools. YOU are at war right now, and the only crime in war is losing. Then ask yourself “Is the GOP and conservative ideology going to net us with a W?
Use the Socratic method, deductive reasoning and critical thinking skills at all times for all occasions. You MUST flex your brain muscles or someone else will do it for you.
Reject the notion entirely of “lesser of two evils” “less” evil is still evil. Knock this crap off and stand up for yourselves for God sakes. Stop being abused puppies.
It’s not too late to IMPROVISE, ADAPT, OVERCOME the circumstances we find ourselves in but we are running out of time. Retirement aged conservatives are still one of the largest voting blocks in this country, and are very politically engaged. They have tremendous potential to help us change this nation’s course for the better, but will require an ego-check and introspection. The goals for actual patriots should be “What is best for the nation and her future?”, not “What is the best thing for my party?”. The two-party system worked as designed, it fatally fractured this nation in half with both sides espousing government propaganda as if it were their own idea. This country has more problems than most people can fathom, but continuing to attribute everything to one party, while ignoring the outright treason and betrayal of your party is awful, and unproductive. This Nation will NOT survive remaining in the status quo. We all need to dig deep, get engaged, get involved and identify ways we can achieve our goals without being hopelessly indoctrinated by party politics.
So if you’re still a “conservative” in 2023 ask yourself “why?”. ”What are you attempting to conserve in 2023”. “What has conservatism ever conserved?”. What has conservatism and the Republican party netted this Nation? The answer is nothing but war, poverty, unchecked immigration and a slavish devotion to their special interest donors. Our enemies are ruthless and play the long game. They don’t concern themselves about being called “racists” or “hypocrites” or DUMBOKKKRAPS” they all laugh at you for such silliness in the face of their brutal evil. What they truly fear is an informed, engaged and determined American public that isn’t concerned over petty party politics, and fake news. Stop being so easily distracted, manipulated and taken advantage of. That choice is up to YOU. I can’t see the future, but one thing I can guarantee is that if American “conservatives” don’t start quickly adapting to face the circumstances we’re in, this country will cease to exist along with you and your family. Is it fair? hell no. Is it right? absolutely not, but these are the cards we have been dealt. It’s not time for “coulda, woulda, shoulda” and plenty of Monday-morning Quarterbacking has been done in regards to how we got ourselves in this mess. What we need to focus on is how we are going to get OUT of this mess, and doubling down on ineffective and cartoonish belief systems is a surefire way to lose this country permanently. Smarten up, and get tough. What is coming won’t be for the faint of heart.
I agree with every thought you shared here, including not accepting blindly every thought.
well worded, many Americans feel the same way but can't quite put their finger on the reasons why, which you laid out here