Rules for Redpilling
As we approach the Holiday season it’s important to remember you will most likely come face to face with brainwashed NPC’s that will goad you into arguments. Here are some tips to avoid getting bogged down in normie delusions, and some tips to help redpill your curious friends and family members. These are presented in no particular order.
Keep perspective
You have to remember that your subject is most likely brainwashed to the point it’s almost incomprehensible. The NPC worldview is complete and total fiction, and most truly have never thought much about anything. Keep your perspective grounded in reality, and the reality is the NPC masses are very sheepish, dumb and incapable of critical thinking. If you attempt to redpill someone that is this delusional without keeping it in the back of your head that they are literally brainwashed by the CIA you will most likely be totally ineffective. This doesn’t mean not to try, it just means you have to keep this perspective when engaging with them and adapt the information you provide to match the circumstances.
Keep your emotions in check
NPC’s blindly repeat Government/media talking points as if they were gospel, AND they think they are galaxy-brain heroes for doing so. This can be unbelievably infuriating to deal with if you’ve been awake for any length of time. They are also quick to cop an attitude and resort to personal attacks if losing an argument or are presented with information they don’t want to hear. You must NOT let this get under your skin. Blowing your top, and physically assaulting them will run through your mind, but it’s not the correct course and will have an opposite effect. Nobody likes a hot-head, be even-keeled and non confrontational. If they escalate, just walk away and let them rot in their mind prison they created for themselves.
Identify who is worth saving and who isn’t.
The person I’m describing in the above entries is most likely, not worth a single second of your time and energy. Some people are however, and good ways you can identify that is if they’re curious and ask genuine questions. If the person you are engaging with is just repeating NPC programming and calling you an “Unhinged Qanon conspiracy theorist” or “Insurrectionist”, chances are that person isn’t gonna make it, and IMHO I don’t think people like that deserve to make it. If they still believe the Federal Government/Media complex in 2023 then that means they are probably incapable of snapping out of it. It’s very sad if that person is a loved one, because the media psy-ops has changed them into a completely different person. Once you get too deep into these cleverly-crafted CIA media narratives, it’s hard to snap out of it.
You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink
Most NPC’s display extreme levels of cognitive dissonance and they don’t even know it. You can present all the information/facts/proof that counters their position, and instead of accepting new information into their worldview, they double-down on their original position despite glaring evidence to the contrary. This phenomenon has swept the United States like a plague thanks to the Department of education, MSM and standardized testing. A good example of this is the Covid vaccine. I warned everyone I knew both IRL and online as if it was my job, and they still took it. I lead the horse to water but it did not drink. I can lay my head on my pillow every night knowing I did everything in my power to stop people from taking it. You have to keep that perspective. All I ask of you is to attempt to lead the horse to water, NEVER feel guilty or ashamed if they didn’t drink. That’s on them.
Put worms in their brains.
You aren’t going to snap these people out of their weapons-grade psychological programming on your first try, or your second, and probably not even on the tenth try, but you can put worms in their brains. After a period of time the things you say will pop into their heads as new current events unfold. The meme “Epstein didn’t kill himself” is a good example. Libs and NPC’s thought that was such a funny meme, but as time goes on they think about that more and more. Now it’s widely accepted he was clearly murdered or escaped. This took about 4 years. The same thing will happen in your personal interactions with NPC’s. Little by little you can get through to them, but it takes a lot of time and patience. The Socratic method is a great tool for this, because you can pose things as a question and that sticks in their craw much better than if it were a statement. Which do you think would have a more impactful effect? “EPSTEIN WAS CLEARLY MURDERED YOU IDIOT WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT?” or “Don’t you at least think it’s plausible that someone may have wanted to murder Epstein due to the nature of what he was doing?”. Big difference, and it works well in just about any situation. Spend some time looking into the Socratic method of teaching (My example is extremely simplified).
Make them explain their asinine positions.
If they say some outlandish media talking point like “WE NEED TO GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA” make them explain themselves. Ask rational questions until everything is deduced. “Why should we go to war with Russia?” “What about the corruption in Ukraine?” “What about the fake-Nazi Azov battalion that’s been slaughtering women and children for a decade?” etc. Ask these types of questions with genuine curiosity, and play to their egos a bit. If you’re knowledgeable about a subject and you recognize that they THINK they are knowledgeable on it, but are just repeating media narratives, open a line of questioning until their position is obliterated. This definitely works (try it), because what the NPC believes is simply narrative. Asking genuine questions and putting the burden of proof on them will inevitably lead to them sounding like a fool and making an a*s out of themselves, while you look like the calm-headed rational skeptic.
NPC’s aren’t really “political” minded at all.
Most people in this country (both sides of the aisle) don’t really know what “politics” is. Most people think discussing current events is “politics” and they haven’t thought much about how to have the best government systems, law & order, crime & punishment or anything that would normally be discussed politically. NPC’s live in the now, and they only know what they’re told. It’s important to remember that they aren’t particularly animated because they have really strong onions on how our Government should best be ran, both sides have been weaponized against each other and tearing the other side down is their main political motivation. So keep this in mind when presenting information, even though the things you may be discussing aren’t “political” at all, they will perceive it that way. Their response to you will be based on their perception of which side you’re on, NOT the information presented. The idea of hating both parties is a totally foreign concept to them. If a liberal views you as a “conservative” when presenting information about the JFK assassination for example, they will automatically reject. If conservatives think you’re anything besides EXACTLY what they believe at any given time they will reject. Keep this in mind, and try to present information as non “politically” as possible. Their brains are broken and they think anything that isn’t sports or Marvel movies is “politics”. Critical to understand if you want to break through to them.
Beware of NPC’s that view themselves as “Awake”
Many such cases here, and it tends to land more on the conservative side. Some people get so excited for conspiracy-related content they gobble it all down as if it were the truth, without checking sources/facts etc. Many people can’t discern between fake misinformation psy-ops, and actual truths. How many fake articles have you seen the past 5 years with headlines like “HILLARY CLINTON WAS JUST EXECUTED AT GITMO”? I know I sure have. Reasoning with these people can be just as tricky as dealing with Mainstream media watchers, because you now have the obstacle of convincing them their information is (clearly) fake, which is an almost impossible challenge. Many people have been lead to believe that all internet personalities, anons, and conspiracy-content creators are 100% legitimate, and it’s hard for them to wrap their brains around the fact they are being flooded by mis/disinformation relentlessly online, oftentimes from perceived “friendlies”. From 2016-to now we have seen an explosion of conspiracy researchers, and anons networking and sharing research with each other (a wonderful thing), unfortunately many don’t really understand the nature of the internet, and because of how crazy ACTUAL truth’s have been, they get suckered into equally outlandish (but fake) stories. A good way to combat this is to simply make them look at their source. Many of these clickbait headlines, and conspiracies that pop up are clearly fake. Educating them on how to look for properly sourced information, Open source intelligence and basic discernment will help them. Chances are these people are MUCH closer to “getting it” than your average tv-watcher, but it still presents a challenge.
Some people respond better to brute-force bullying
This approach works better online rather than in a f2f exchange, but nevertheless it does work. Not on everyone, but many NPC’s are simply social creatures. They conform to what they think the “group” believes. If they are exposed to what they perceive is a larger group, or more popular group they will respond to being relentlessly bullied. Most of the time they delete their NPC normie account and start over attempting to mimic their new group’s beliefs. Mission accomplished, but we must take great care to accept them and show grace once these changes occur. If you continue to mock and bully them for previous beliefs when they’re attempting to change you are doing us all a great disservice. If you’re going to use this method, you must learn when to let off the gas and accept them.
A lot of people are straight-up terrified of all this stuff.
I’ve been interested in “conspiracies” and “Ufos” etc. since I was a very young child. I read “Behold a pale Horse” by Bill Cooper when I was 13 years old. This isn’t a brag (believe me it sucks being awake this long in NPC land), I only bring this up because I’m pretty desensitized to this type of subject matter, almost nothing shocks me anymore and I know that is true for many of you as well. That is NOT the case for most normies, the idea of their government and law enforcement being as corrupt as it is scares the crap out of most. The satanic secret societies, Human trafficking, child abductions, and a wide open border dumping millions of MS-13 terrorists into our country is very scary to them. Take care not too freak them out too much. Learn to recognize the boundaries of where you can exploit their curiosity without scaring them into shutting down completely.
Your family is your family.
It’s never worth getting into heated arguments or fist fights with your family members over this stuff. Be the one that attempts to keep the family together. I know that’s extremely difficult sometimes (believe me) especially if you were written out of the will for supporting Trump, or barred from family gatherings because you didn’t get vaccinated. Be the bigger one and remember there WILL come a point these people will be racked with unimaginable guilt for what they’ve done, but we aren’t there yet. Make it a point to stay on good terms with your family, even if they are disgusting NPC tv watching morons. If you stay humble, and keep your head during these times, I can assure you when this is all said and done they will be begging you for help. Be the leader your family needs, and remember that they are your flesh and blood no matter what. We WILL get control of this country again, and the media and intelligence agencies that psy-oppd your family members into demons will be held accountable.
Recognize their perception of authority.
One of the biggest challenges we face is the NPC’s perception of authority for information. They view you or I as “equals” or in many cases “lesser” despite many of us spending years researching the world we live in and asking questions. They have NEVER once done this, but because you or I do not have an official title and are just random civilians they don’t view you as reputable, even though you are most likely 100% correct on any given subject and very knowledgeable. They trust the “experts”, they trust the MSM, and Federal Government because those people have the monopoly on the NPC’s perception of authority. It’s never occurred to them they are being lied to and YOU are actually the one that is awake and attempting to help them. Most NPC’s are college educated which also taps into their “expert” worshipping programming. They honestly believe that you aren’t allowed to have an opinion on a subject unless you spent a decade learning about it in college. This is probably the biggest challenge to break through and I’m not sure how to change that. These people worship “titles” and “experts” and talking heads on the tv much nore than they do raw information and alternative ideas.
Never stop redpilling yourself.
You should never shut your brain off, and you should be constantly looking for new things to learn everyday. We maybe further ahead of the curve than NPC normies but we are still just civilians attempting to put the pieces together in an environment that’s rich with mis/disinformation psy-ops and bad actors. You don’t know what you don’t know, and in the grand scheme of things we actually don’t know squat. It’s important to stay humble, and recognize even though we may be “awake” to a lot of things, everyday should be a learning experience. NEVER think “Well I figured out all the mysteries of the universe because I just now realized my government is corrupt”. Many such cases of that, and it’s totally avoidable if you check your ego. I for one LOVE learning new information and concepts, so don’t be like a college-educated NPC that shuts their brain off as soon as they receive their degree. Enjoy the journey, and remember to keep learning new things and apply them to your worldview when you do.
Stick to what is easy to explain and can be verified.
Some “conspiracies” and topics are better than other’s for redpilling purposes. If you can get the subject to accept one “conspiracy” then it’s only a matter of time before they can see through all of it. If you start out talking about the Knight’s Templar, Jekyll Island, Panama papers etc. it can be very overwhelming and confusing. Stick to simple things that you can easily provide evidence to the contrary of the official narrative. I find 911/JFK assassination to be very good starter redpills. There’s so much raw evidence that contradicts the official story it’s hard to even believe. If you start them out small, and guide them into their first attempt at critical thought, they will be hooked, and curious to go further.
Recognize if you’re outnumbered.
If you’re all by yourself against multiple NPC’s in a discussion/argument it might be wise for a tactical retreat. Nothing is more blood-boiling than multiple NPC’s attacking you, especially when you’re trying to help them. Power in numbers, but if you’re actually awake, having just one ally can make a huge difference. When you’re by yourself, they smell blood in the water. Just walk away.
Be mindful of your surroundings/environment
Not every setting/situation is optimal to have these discussions. Thanksgiving dinner, and the workplace for example are typically terrible settings to initiate any discussion like this. Ask yourself if your audience is captive. Chances are you won’t have a captive audience at the water cooler, so recognize that. A lot of these subjects are better discussed in a controlled environment.
These are just some tips, and tricks and I hope they help you in your endeavors. We don’t need every NPC to be subject matter experts on any of this stuff, we only need to reach a critical mass of people, and we are getting closer everyday. It’s important to maintain personal relationships, and family relationships and the cost of losing those because of “conspiracies” isn’t worth it. Little by little we will get people on board with REALITY, and break them from the psychological shackles placed on them by relentless media gaslighting and intel-agency psy-ops. These tactics used by the MSM are indeed weapons-grade psy ops, and if this were a theater of war they would be facing war-crimes tribunals for deploying these weapons against a peaceful civilian population. It’s important to remember that on a macro level these NPC’s are actually all victims of these psychological operations. On a micro-scale it’s hard not to want to punch their face in, but you have to be the leaders we need and keep cool heads until we reach critical mass. Thank you for reading. God Bless you all.