If you haven’t been taking steady doses of “redpills” the past few years, you’re going to get an invasive “redpill” enema. A lot of people I see and interact with think they are “redpilled” and “awake”, and many times they are compared to the average normie, but there’s certain subjects you should have under your belt to best navigate these times. This isn’t a comprehensive list, but will you help you immensely as we progress on this timeline.
Keep in mind, I’m not gonna do your work for you and provide a bunch of “sources” and hyperlinks. I don’t ask that you blindly trust me either, I ask you do this research on your own and come to your own conclusions. Learning how to look at raw information and form your own “takes” without anyone telling you what to think will make you smarter and will truly help unlock your brain. If you’re gonna hangout with the “based and redpilled” you MUST understand these things to both better help you and to understand wtf guys like me are even talking about.
The Federal reserve banking system.
It’s shocking to me how few people know that our money is literally worthless paper. You should know and understand the events in the lead up to the implementation of it (the meeting at Jekyll island/sinking of the titanic). It was a massive conspiracy that ceded control out of our hands and into the hands of the Rothschilds banking dynasty. This country didn’t fall under Obama. It fell in 1913. To put it in laymen’s, the Federal reserve (“the Fed” as they call it) is a private bank owned by hand-rubbing foreigners that HATE America. They loan our dollars to the U.S. treasury at interest. For every dollar they print, we owe them that dollar back PLUS interest. It’s endless debt slavery for an entire nation. Everyone should know this, and it’s not required that you do a bunch of sooper-seekrit “conspiracy” research. Everything I just said is publicly available information and nobody disputes it. Stop clawing at each other’s throats over fake devil money, and spend a little effort learning how our financial system works. There’s plenty of books, documentaries, documents etc all over the internet to better help you understand this subject.
The JFK assassination.
Again, another shocker to me that so few know about this in any sort of detail. Just watch the Zapruder film and drown out any pre conceived notions and take note of what YOU see. Literally take notes if you have to. Then scrub it against the official story. Then compare it to the recent Trump assassination attempt. Same players, same playbook, same operation. If more people knew this, maybe we wouldn’t have to sit around and watch congressional hearings about it as we lose our country.
This was actually a crazier and more complex operation than I even probably understand but you can get down the basics. Arab goat herders didn’t do that. What happened to WTC7? Why is there no plane wreckage at the sight of 93? (Google recently started adding a tail section to the photos and whoever is responsible needs executed). How did a plane hit the pentagon at that angle? Did Donald Rumsfeld testify the day before 911, that the pentagon was missing several trillion dollars? Did Larry Silverstein show up to the WTC on 911? Why not? Why doesn’t anyone talk about the dancing Israelis? Was NORAD running a live drill which simulated false highjacked aircraft’s to thwart their response (they thought it was part of the drill)? If you ask those questions you will receive answers. This should be common knowledge in 2024 and every man woman and child in this country should be a “911 truther” at this point.
Fluoridated tap water
It isn’t a “conspiracy theory”. They literally put insane amounts of fluoride into municipal tap water. Is fluoride classified as a literal poison? Is it the main ingredient in Prozac? What are the long term side effects of human consumption? What happens if you eat a tube of toothpaste? If you ask questions you will receive answers. This is an issue many people need to face the gallows for.
Suppressed technology
What if I told you Nikola Tesla figured out free wireless electricity over 100 years ago and the usual suspects took it and kept it hidden? What if Henry Ford invented a car that ran on alcohol and they started prohibition? What if I told you most of our new “tech” is actually old shit? What if I told you cures for just about every disease exists and is being kept from us for profit? Humanity is being suppressed. Don’t take my word for it, hunt these things down and research it for yourself. Once you do, plug it into your worldview and get pissed.
War is a racket/Military industrial complex.
Most people in this country literally have no FUCKING CLUE what the “military industrial complex” is. When I say that term most people just assume I’m talking about the military because of all the fluoridated water they drink. The “military industrial complex” are the private mega corporations that make our war equipment/technology/bombs/bullets/tanks etc. companies like Boeing/Raytheon/General dynamics etc. These are massively powerful mega corporations that have a vested interest in our country going to war, and due to the traitors in Congress they are actually the ones crafting our foreign policy for their benefit. Due to the fact they’re “private companies” they are not subject to FOIA requests. These people are EVIL, and based on the recent whistle blower assassinations from Boeing you will see they will stop at nothing to retain power. It’s one of the biggest problems our nation faces and barely anyone knows what it means. Dwight Eisenhower dedicated his entire farewell address to warn Americans about it. You should watch it, then get mad at how willfully stupid our fellow countrymen allowed themselves to be.
CIA/MOSSAD and Intel spooks in general.
People need to understand a “spook” isn’t just someone that works for the government. It’s a trained Intel agent that operates in ways many people would consider supernatural. If you look at guys like the CIA and assume they’re just like government employees at the DMV you need to cut up your voter registration, log off forever and never discuss any of this again because you’re way too far gone from reality. Many things they’ve done are FULLY declassified and are available on their own website. Instead of watching bitchute videos about “MK ULTRA” and “MOCKINGBIRD” you should read the real documents. A great resource for declassified anything is the black vault dot com.
You are a divine being.
You are NOT useless space dust. You are NOT the end result of a frog fish that fucked a monkey and now you’re here. The entire world of theoretical physics and Neil Degrasse Tyson space documentaries are psy op to get you to feel like a worthless ball of random dust. You will not be equipped to handle the coming situations without a FIRM belief in God and yourself. CRITICALLY important to understand.
PSY OPS are real and more dangerous than nukes.
Spend the time and research this effectively. Most people that use this term have absolutely NO FUCKING CLUE what it means. And most of them have no business discussing it. Read General Flynn’s books 1-2, and a book by Bill Cooper called “behold a pale horse” (be ready for that book though). There’s REAL information from sources that actually know what they’re talking about. The things General Flynn divulges in his books are the first time that information has ever been disseminated to the public. If you’re gonna hang around this environment you MUST make an effort to understand what PSY OP is, and how to best protect yourself from the RELENTLESS attacks. Big MUST. If all you took away from this article is that you need to read those 3 books, I’d consider my job a success.
This isn’t a definitive list, but if you spend the time and effort to truly understand these subjects it will help you immensely. You’ll begin to learn the players, learn the game, and be MUCH better equipped to navigate current happenings with the right worldview and frame of mind. I’m always available for questions or if you want help. Feel free to reach out here or on gab, and we can work together on this stuff if you want. Just remember it’s important for YOU to do your own work. How much help would I be if I just told you to blindly trust what I say on these things? Then you’re just replacing your nightly news talker with a random internet person and you haven’t learned to train your brain to think for yourself. Eventually I want you all to be the one you trust the most to figure out what’s going on. When you retrain your brain to do that you are literally empowering yourself and taking power away from our enemies. God bless you all.