There isn’t a single war or conflict that the United States has fought since the turn of the 20th century that we “needed” to fight. We often like to think of ourselves as the eternal “good guys” that are finishing disputes some other evil regime started for us in a Charles Bronson/Clint Eastwood kind of way, but that isn’t the case, and we all know it. Every war from WW1 on to the current Ukrainian conflict have been nothing but a personally enriching endeavor for the select few at the top. Whether it be as simple as financial profits, or they enjoy killing their ethnic rivals in grandiose fashion, the fact is that the American people have paid the biggest price of all.
As we look back we ask ourselves “why were people in support of X war?” and the answer is actually quite simple, the media gas-lit them into it. You see, when these wars were first floated to the American people we were very much against them. Starting with WW1 the American people were absolutely confused and repulsed by the idea of sending their young boys to go die in some far-off European war that had nothing to do with us (or so they thought). So what happened? Well, the same people and powerful groups that control our media today, controlled it then too, and they wanted war. Simple as. Slowly but surely they used their masterful techniques of manipulating and molding the brains of the American people with the most powerful psychological weapon they had at their disposal. The Newspaper. When that wasn’t enough they carried out a false flag and sank the Lusitania. Nothing sells papers, and gets the war drums pounding like dead bodies in the water and a sinking ship. So off to war we went. I consider WW1 to be the most tragic and unnecessary loss of life in human history. Estimated 40 million killed for no damn good reason at all.
After we “won” WW1 the powers that be laid low for a few decades and waited for a fresh crop of young White Christian men to send into the meat grinder. Rumors were starting about another war brewing but the American people were completely disinterested in going to fight yet another war in the European theatre. This time the hidden hand had a new weapon in their psychological arsenal. The AM/FM radio. Same playbook as before, slowly and steadily building the case for war and then BAM! false flag the piss out of em. That false flag was the attack on Pearl Harbor, and we all know what happened after that. An estimated 85 million total deaths resulted from this war which was roughly 3% of the global population at the time.
Vietnam? Same exact thing but this time they had the greatest mind-weapon ever conceived. The Television. By this time a growing number of Americans had one of these tools of Satan in their living room. This gave the media consumer the illusion of choice. Different tv personalities, newspaper writers and radio hosts all chiming in with their opinions and thanks to the Operation Mockingbird disclosures we now know that this was all a cleverly crafted propaganda campaign administered by the CIA. When the media gaslighting wasn’t enough, you guessed it, false-flag time. This time it was the famous “Gulf of Tonkin incident” which Robert McNamara admitted before his death was a totally contrived incident. This war cost approximately 60 thousand American souls, with roughly 150 thousand wounded and 1,584 missing in action. Again, for absolutely nothing. Not counting the deaths/complications from the horrific side effects from the use of “Agent Orange”.
The first Desert Storm? A repeat tale. The American public was squeamish of entering that conflict until they saw videos/images of plumes of rolling black smoke from Kuwaiti oil fields. Afghanistan? American’s didn’t even know what that country was until the media told them about it, and showed them footage of the twin-towers falling at freefall speed 24/7. Iraq war 2.0? Nobody wanted it until the media terrorized the American people about “weapons of mass destruction” a famous lie that nobody even disputes anymore (why bother? mission accomplished). Are you starting to get the picture? No normal human being wants war as a natural condition. All of these conflicts were deliberately started by evil forces that had control of the media and a vested interest in war. Not a single American would have ever come to the conclusions they had about these conflicts if it wasn’t put into their heads on purpose.
WW1, WW2, Korea (everyone forgets about Korea) and Vietnam were not volunteer Armies. Those men were conscripted/drafted and oftentimes right out of high-school to go fight these banker wars. My grandfather ran away from home at the age of 14 and lied about his age to join the Marines to fight in Korea. When the Marine Corps found out, they discharged him (honorably), and then he went and joined the Army at 17. These were the types of patriots we had in this country, and their goodwill and patriotic duties were highjacked by criminal elements in our government and these men had no idea. They thought they were answering the call for their nation as you or I would.
In 2023 guys like me can get online, go back in time and unwind these conspiracies (these aren’t coincidences) to get a better glimpse of history than the lies we were told in school. Something I am extremely blessed and thankful for, but the men that died didn’t have that luxury. There was no 4chan, no Gab, no communities of “like minded” counter-culture elements anywhere. There was no “alternative-media” outlets to get different perspectives. All they had during these times were legacy media outlets, and these outlets presented themselves as American, ran by Americans just speaking truth to power, and very few if any in the American public had a reason to distrust them or question what they were being told. The “good guys” won the war and were in charge.
These days are different though. We have ample reasons to not only distrust the media and the Federal Government (same thing really) but to also have open contempt for them. As I type this they are up to the same exact tricks regarding the proxy-war in Ukraine. Slowly, and steadily guiding the American people into accepting armed conflict with the world’s biggest nuclear superpower (madness). The only thing currently missing is the false flag which they have been working tirelessly on triggering from the Nordstream pipeline to the recent nuclear scare at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power station (the largest in Europe). Unfortunately it seems like there’s only a few of us that understand what is happening. Far too many Americans are flying Ukraine flags and becoming pro-war system pigs because they are consuming too much legacy media. Far too many retirement-aged Americans are casually regurgitating neocon talking points and subconsciously preparing to send the young off to die in a conflict they don’t understand. I find this to be completely unacceptable in modern times, and verges on criminal negligence. If you showed these people a map of the globe with no letters on it they wouldn’t be able to find Ukraine if you held a gun to their head. The casual pro-war stance these tv watching goobers have makes me sick to my stomach.
American involvement in Ukraine is not only unbelievably reckless, but treasonous. Using the media and the reputation of our Armed forces to sell a war is unconscionable, especially a war in which we have no grounds to be involved in whatsoever. For us to change course and prevent literal nuclear WW3 we need to be speaking up and fighting back against this on all fronts, not pulling down your Trump flag to fly a blue and yellow Ukrainian flag on US soil (Foreign-flag flyers are very lucky I’m not in charge). The hidden hand can only go to war if people are willing to go. If they bring back a draft then don’t comply. If your retirement-aged neighbor/family has a problem with that, remind him he’s a stupid baby and if he feels so passionately he can pick up a rifle and go to Ukraine anytime he pleases. Our government is in mask-off tyranny mode. Anyone, regardless of political affiliation that thinks we need to look past the actions of our unbelievably corrupt government and go fight another war in Europe is an idiot that you should disregard completely. We are *this* close to them bringing back a draft, and from where I’m sitting any non-compliance of the draft will not be viewed popularly by liberals, or retirement-aged conservatives and that is very troubling. Once we get to that point there is no going back.
My last name is on a lot of war memorials in this country, and their sacrifice means a hell of a lot to me. If you notice when you look at these names inscribed in these stone memorials that you won’t see any names like “La’Darius Calhoun” or “Jeffrey Epstein”, but you will see a lot of Smith’s, Mcdonald’s, and O’Connells. They needlessly died in fake globohomo wars but they thought they were dying for you and me. I can hardly think of something more evil. Honoring and acknowledging their sacrifice is incredibly important, and the best way to do that is simple. One, we must teach history to future generations, not propaganda. Our country was highjacked with the implementation of the Federal Reserve, and history must reflect that. Second, stop falling for these obvious media tricks. All of these lost and forgotten souls are screaming at us from Heaven to prevent their fate from happening to a new generation. Will you honor their sacrifice and help to prevent this from occurring again? Or are you going to casually float around on your pontoon (literally and figuratively) and allow the hidden hand to send the young to go die in another senseless banker war?
The choice is, and always has been ours. Now that we have the blessings of informed hindsight there should be no excuses as to why the American people would allow this to happen to our country again. We must not continue this vicious cycle. This will be nuclear WW3 if we allow it, and there won’t be a WW4. Never forget these poor souls that got drafted to go get blown to bits in some mudhole overseas that thought they were serving their nation. Because one day, that could be you and I. Let their sacrifice stand as the very thing that made us come together and say ENOUGH. Their hidden and forgotten valor must not be in vain, and someday their demise will be remembered properly. God bless the unknown soldier.
Thanks for writing on this important topic. I am joining you in saying "Enough!"