When I was in school I was told by “the adults in the room” that if I didn’t go to college I would be a useless loser. Our “teachers” (I had two teachers in my school district arrested for having CP on their hard drives) practically told us that if we didn’t do good on our standardized tests that we might as well kill ourselves right now. The stress they were under to produce good results on these tests was palpable, in fact the majority of our curriculum revolved around these tests.
These “teachers” we have in this country could be an article all by itself but I want you guys to think about something. Your average teacher in this country started school at 5 years old like we all did, stayed in school until they were 18, went on to college and then took a teaching position at a school. All these people have ever known their entire lives is school. No life experience whatsoever besides school, and these are the people we entrust to teach (indoctrinate) our children. To me, a public school teacher is nothing but a loser that’s too stupid to do anything besides teach 1+1=2 to children but that’s just my personal opinion. I always found it strange that someone would need to spend 4 years in college to teach 4th grade, but as with many things in this country, nobody thinks about anything. It’s all gas and no brakes for the majority of Americans.
Needless to say I dropped out of school as soon as I was legally able to. I practically quit going to school in 8th grade. I HATED going to school, but our great patriots in law enforcement would make sure to come harass my parents and threaten to have me taken from their custody if I didn’t go, so off I went. My teachers convinced my parents to drug me with Ritalin and Adderall because I was bored in class and liked to be a clown (legendary class clown btw). They also convinced my parents I was retarded and put me in special-ed in 7th grade. They tested my iq to see why I would have the audacity to be bored in public schools and it was high. Very high, but we don’t value iq in this country, we only value order followers that can memorize answers to standardized tests. I begrudgingly took the SAT and scored very high despite the fact I hardly ever showed up to school and had straight F’s on my report card. Because of my SAT score, I still got offers to college, but more on that later.
Why did I tell this personal story? Because I want everyone to understand that every “adult in the room” mentioned above are college educated people. Truancy officers, teachers, Doctors that drug kids, etc. are ALL people that went through higher education in the United states. My parents didn’t go to college and thought they could trust these authority figures, like so many in this country they were fooled by the “experts”.
So back to the offers I got from colleges. I didn’t get any offers from any Ivy league schools or anything of the sort, but I remember being shocked that I got so many brochures in the mail because I was told since I was in middle school I would be nothing but a criminal loser since I had bad grades. I picked up the phone and sat down with a couple of them when I was 18. I wasn’t eligible for any scholarships but I would have been allowed to enroll if I could pay for it. I turned 18 in 2008 and my parent’s recently had their house stolen by the banks so I was eager to see what these colleges had to say. When we went over the numbers I laughed out loud in their face. I could NOT believe how much it cost out of pocket to get a 4 year degree. I might have been a teenager but I knew a bad deal when I saw one. I remember walking out laughing to myself thinking “you gotta be kidding me”.
Unfortunately it seems that at 18 I was the only one in the country that saw this scam for what it was. The vast majority of my friends moved away and went off to get “educated” and I entered the “workforce” (it’s a laughable joke to refer to our labor market as a “workforce”). When they came back they were completely different people by and large. The boys were all of the sudden radical left wing Obama supporters, and the girls were hollowed out remnants of their former selves (also radical left-wing Obama supporters). The girls were encouraged to be treated like a bike by the college boys and you can see it in their eyes it was most likely a traumatic experience. All-American 10’s that never partied or dated in high school came back with their heads half shaved, and a body count that would make a prostitute blush. The boys I knew that were All-American athletes and model students came back as degenerate alcoholics or 6 feet in the ground from heroin and fentanyl. Hardly the “education” I had envisioned that they were selling us on all the way through school.
We were always told that in order to be successful you have to encumber yourself with insurmountable debt and get “educated” so we could get big-boy jobs at big-boy companies. Nobody ever spent two seconds to slow down and ask “why aren’t these big-boy companies investing in the education of their workforce?” Why do worker-bees in this country have to come out of pocket (oftentimes over 6 figures) to be able to earn a living? As many people in my age group we were told to get an education in “computers” only for these companies to hire H1B visa holding Indians with fake degrees that will do it for less.
The American worker is treated like a corporation, but with none of the benefits or tax breaks. The individual worker assumes all the risk and financial burdens associated with working. We have to invest in our education, a vehicle, a place to live, and dedicate a minimum of 40 hours a week to be able to earn small sums of money and the opportunity to purchase health insurance. Everyone is just funneling their children off to commy-camp and never asking why massive corporations that bribe congress don’t invest a single penny in the American workforce. I have never met anyone that has even raised this question and anytime I bring it up the bootstraps brigade comes out of the woodwork. Requiring massive mega-corporations to invest in the American worker shouldn’t be a controversial or “revolutionary” concept.
America is starting to slowly realize the terrible mistakes we’ve made. Mike Rowe is becoming a very popular guy and regularly goes on Fox News to tell unconscious tv watchers to send their children to trade school instead of college. Unfortunately the damage is already done, and these “trades” are being offshored every day, and it still requires young people to encumber themselves with debt before earning a living. We spend a ton of money on public schools in this country, we send our kids there 8 hours a day from 5-18, why are they coming out with absolutely ZERO skills? Why can’t more people see what a giant scam this is? and why is it only our nations youth that pose these questions?
I might only have a GED but I’ve been blessed to have been able to punch above my weight-class as far as education goes because I’m a salesman (or I was). Before the diversity police showed up companies didn’t care what level of education you had if you’re bringing in money for the company (because that used to be the whole point of business), and because I had a dollar amount associated with my name I was able to see a glimpse inside the corporate world that many with my education level normally wouldn’t. Executives, attorneys, HR drones etc. are people I would have routine meetings with when I ran sales teams, and let me tell you, these are some of the dumbest NPC mongoloids I have ever met in my life. Displayed in their office would be their degrees from a prestigious university framed and hanging on the wall as they planned the company’s next potluck and pretended to be busy staring at excel spreadsheets. I have worked at 4 companies in my career that went out of business and every time, they were ran (into the ground) by people with big fancy degrees and a condescending attitude. (and they weren’t millennials)
Just look at all the unnecessary (and deliberate) hospital deaths during Covid. 100% of the people that work in the “medical” industry are college educated, even the fat slob that sits at the desk and answers the phone. So why were these “educated” people so easily convinced of genociding us by strapping people to hospital beds and putting people on ventilators? Why were “Doctors” telling people that Ivermectin is “Horse-paste”, and drinking ice-water on a hot day causes Myocarditis? These aren’t hypothetical questions, they have answers. The answer is because college isn’t an “education” it’s indoctrination and because of standardized testing in public schools we ensured that only the dumbest and most compliant went on to higher education with rare exceptions. This is why you see industries such as law enforcement, medical, Legal, or any other industry/profession that is dominated by degree holders move in lockstep with the regime. These are brainwashed, order following memorizers that don’t actually have an education. They don’t need to be sat in on the Bilderberg/WEF meetings to follow their agenda. They are acting on instinct because almost all of them are nothing but indoctrinated tv watching NPC’s. Critical thinking is a totally alien concept to most of them.
Our “prestigious” Ivy-League schools are actually the worst. If you look at the DC swamp and all of their apparatchiks you’re gonna see A LOT of degrees from Harvard and Yale. From George W. Bush to John Kerry to their staffs are people with fancy degrees from world-renowned Universities. It shouldn’t go unnoticed that these types of people are the most evil human beings in the country (probably the world). Even now that we know about things like “Skull and Bones” and see that evil politicians, CIA directors, and criminal FBI mukkity-muks are almost all educated in an Ivy-League school, the majority of Americans would still want their children to go there.
So what can we do about this? Well first of all, stop sending your kids there at the impressionable age of 18, especially your daughters for God sakes. Secondly we have to get comfortable with the idea of freeing our young people of this ridiculous personal debt they have accumulated to get an “education”. Anytime I bring this up I am met with slack jawed platitudes revolving around “I SHOULDNT HAVE TO PAY FOR SOMEONE ELSES DEGREE” which is correct, and I shouldn’t either, and that’s not what I’m proposing. These universities and predatory banks need to eat this debt, not the taxpayers. These universities and banking institutions need to be severely punished, and I’m not excluding criminal punishments either. A debt-jubilee is long overdue for our nation’s youth, and the people preventing that from happening are their own parents most of the time.
If we have the political will as a nation to do it we can change our education system quite rapidly, and put the Universities out of business. We live in the information age, and we have the internet. The entire concept of these antiquated Universities holding on to all of the information, and then charging ridiculous sums of money to disseminate it should have been thrown out long ago. This is not a political issue, its an issue revolving our nations youth and its MUCH more important than most think.
We cannot continue as a nation being dominated by indoctrinated NPC’s, and we should have NEVER allowed these predatory lenders to take advantage of our children. It’s shameful and embarrassing. The ones that have done the most damage to this country the past ten years all have a common denominator, and that’s a college “education”. People need to stop for a second ask themselves “who’s country is this?” is this not OUR country? So why have we allowed our children to be high jacked by radical communists that have taken over our education system and act like it’s a normal rite of passage? STOP sending your kids off to university. Start speaking up about this issue and start formulating ways that we can fix this.
It’s not an “either or” issue. It’s not a “Republican” or “Democrat” issue. Its not “We either make taxpayers pay for this or we continue allowing banks to financially rape our children”. This issue has been deliberately presented to you this way by Coninc and the fake right because they know it’s only a matter of time before this nations youth ends this scam once and for all. Stop being binary minded and attempt to have a vision for this country instead of being a passive reactionary. This nation WILL get this system figured out and fixed, and it’s up to you if you wanna help us or not, but I promise you that the history books will not be kind to the ones that don’t. As it stands in 2023 there’s practically nothing more unimpressive than obtaining a college degree, and in my experience degree holders are the most remarkably unremarkable midwits I have ever met. We CAN and we WILL change this, or else we aren’t going to have a country.
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I dropped out if college to tour in a metal band, and there I was all lined up to be a C+ programmer for... AllState