The “generational warfare” that is going on both online and real life needs to stop. The purpose of this article is to establish a perspective and a bit of a history lesson of “these kids” you guys have found yourselves with in online spaces. I’m not only speaking for myself but for many others in my general age range that you may see on places like gab, and other “dissident” places you’ve stumbled into.
I was using my Grandfather’s (not a boomer) computer as young as 6-7 years old, as did most kids my age. His was a Gateway, and it came in a giant cardboard box with cow-prints on it. Some of you may remember them. Which means I’ve been using computers, playing games, screwing around online, and absorbing little bits of memetic information since Bill Clinton was the President. You may argue with me about this, but not only do I speak from personal experience, but I believe millions of people my age would corroborate this. NONE of our parents were using PC’s in those days in any significant numbers whatsoever. If you did, it was for basic functions, or things like Ebay/AOL. Very few of you in your age range were “surfing the web” in those days. Argue all you want I don’t care, but I’m speaking in generalizations here. If you were a “baby-boomer” using a PC to surf the web back then, it’s not necessary to type a 4 paragraph screed explaining that it doesn’t apply to you, and you have a computer science degree. Just calm down, and please continue reading.
The internet in the 90s-00s was a *completely* different experience in those days than anything you see on the mainstream internet today. “These kids” remember what the internet was like before it turned into a GOOGLE/FB controlled app-infested psy-op hell. There were no profile pics, no “likes”, no “reposts”, no HD pornography, no social media at all, there was no concept of an “app”. When we had to write papers for school, the mandatory search engine I had to use was “Ask Jeeves”. With the internet speeds of those days, video playback in general was close to impossible for most people. Sure, porn was there, but it would take you 36 hours to download a picture, and it would render line by line. It was more efficient for us to find one of our Dad’s playboy’s then it was to view porn on the internet back in those days. We used to do file sharing, and download music from Napster, which is a task and a concept that very few people that weren’t around then could even conceive of, let alone perform these days, in any age group. “Conspiracy theories”, chatrooms, newsgroups, and message boards was where the cool kids hung out. The Cult of the dead Cow (CIA?…..probably……maybe? IDK but they were something) was shaping internet culture as we know it, and I don’t expect many of any age range to get that reference.
The picture I’m attempting to paint here, is that since so many in your age group weren’t around online then, you’re interacting with people that are the last vestiges of a very old internet culture that you do not recognize. Most of you in the baby-boomer age range (again speaking in generalizations here) became daily internet users after Facebook, Google, Youtube, Twitter came out and dominated the internet landscape. That’s why so many of you are on places like Gab. Because the user interface is more or less an amalgamation of Facebook/Twitter features, and that’s how most of you learned the internet and it’s familiar to you. Which is precisely how you may have found yourselves interacting with culture, subject matter, references, inside jokes, and a sense of humor that is totally ALIEN to you. Which was actually by design.
Places like 4chan, KiwiFarms, 8kun, Stormfront etc. are where a lot of the people you’re interacting with spent a lot of internet time on growing up, and many still do. All of those types of websites are designed from the ground up to keep normies out. The term “boomer” you hear being said is just internet slang, it hardly means “baby-boomer”. We use terms like “boomer”, just like we do coomer, zoomer, bloomer, shroomer, and all types of other names for normies. The only difference in the names is the normie firmware those individual groups are operating on. They’re all just different versions of normies to us, So before we go any further, just keep in mind you guys are interacting with references and culture you have ZERO understanding of, and that was on purpose. When you guys are quick to be sensitive, and defend yourself as a “baby boomer” when the term “boomer” gets thrown around, in a context that you don’t understand, it demonstrates you aren’t getting it, and we find it very amusing so you get smacked around. That’s just how it goes.
These communities didn’t just keep you (or any other normie) out because of subject matter, or that we’re just dicks, but the entire functionality of the website, and user interface is designed to keep normies away as a natural filtering system. Even if normies (of any age range or firmware version) were able to find us, the deliberately confusing interface would most likely render it impossible to post. If you do manage to post without doxxing yourself, you would inevitably start shitting up the group/board and everyone would attack/bully/run you off. The people that survived, and continued coming back, being respectful and LURKED, became one of us. Through that process you are no longer a boomer/coomer/zoomer/qoomer etc. You become anon, and an equal member of an anonymous hive mind. The racial slurs, and foul language you see today are a direct tie to this sort of thing. Normies of all ages, but especially people in the baby-boomer age range have iPads now, and a savage social media addiction and you’ve found yourselves interacting with someone like me, which not too long ago NONE of you probably would have been able to find if someone held a gun to your head. Which was the whole point. The functionality of these newer sites like Gab with a UI based on Facebook, and the seamless nature in which people with no computer/internet knowledge can use an ipad, has allowed you to seemingly inadvertently pierce a veil none of you probably even knew was there, and you’ve done that without going through the typical filtering process like we all did. Which is driving much of the confusion and strife you’re experiencing.
If you are a “boomer” and you’ve been to places like Gab, and start posting your typical stuff you would post on FB, and crying because you saw a racial slur, and everyone starts attacking you, what you’re experiencing is a hivemind you stepped on attempting to brute force the filtering process on you, and none of you understand that, and I don’t expect you to. Just understand nobody is attacking you because you’re old. The general idea being, if you’re still on the mainstream drip (you are) you aren’t gonna be able to hang. The racial slurs, and waves of attacks/bullying is nothing but a defense mechanism to protect our community, and to filter out people that won’t be able to understand or handle the topics being discussed. If you can’t handle seeing racial slurs, gore or foul language, how are you going to be able to handle certain truths of this world? Starting to understand? We are actually trying to help you, but keep reading.
I’m not going to tell my full life story, but provide something about myself that would offer some critical context most of you need in order to understand my point of view. The reason I have the POV I have today and know a lot of the things I do is because I did the opposite of what you guys told me when I was a kid. I didn’t study, I didn’t do my homework, I hardly went to school, dropped out the day I was legally able to, and never went to college. Is that because I was a super smart special boy with clairvoyant vision? No, not at all, it happened by accident. The point being, I’m not brainwashed. None of it “took” and because I had access to the internet, and a lot of questions during those days in my youth I had access to things normie adult’s didn’t. Besides basic math, English, and a little bit of American history everything else I know I’ve learned on my own volition in my own free time. I was home from school by myself the day 911 happened. I was 11 yrs old, and it’s my most vivid childhood memory. Just a few short years later the “loose change” 911 documentary came out, and I already read the book “Behold a pale horse” and had way more under my belt at that age than even I really comprehend. The scenario I’m describing is true or similar for a lot of people in my age range you’re interacting with. The brainwashing “wore off” or didn’t take on a lot of us, so our process of “awakening” as many say happened much more quickly, it’s just that simple. Many of the things you have discovered are new to you, but not new to us most of the time, and that is ok.
Now in order to understand the perspective of someone like me, I want you to listen to what I’m about to say carefully. I’m not asking you to hand over your brain to me, but I’d like to give you access to mine and provide you with examples of how someone like me comes to the conclusions I do, and how I parse/analyze information in this hellscape we call the internet.
I inadvertently started building a “frame” in my head, and a worldview based on what I thought to be very real “conspiracy theories” playing out in real time on the news as a kid. I didn’t know everything or even much, and I don’t now (I’m actually a borderline illiterate tard with an 8th grade education, truth be told) but I had at least a core understanding that what we see on tv was fake, and our education system was useless at a very young age. Sometimes that’s all you need. So with that basic frame in place, I was always searching for answers, based on questions I had because I had a general sense of what I was looking for. Things like the Federal reserve banking system, the Bilderberg group, the Iraq war, 911 and the open corruption of the Bush admin was well understood and under my belt by 18. With this knowledge (frame) I registered for the draft, but did not enlist. Which was not a popular decision in my military family, especially as a High school dropout from Flint Michigan in 2008, but I was right. Some of you started building your new frame during Obama, some of you maybe when Trump came along, or maybe even some of you when covid was happening, which means even though you may be 20-30-40 years older than us, many of you are actually behind us. Which is ok. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but the point is, it will take you time. There is no rush, and we all learn this process at different speeds, so give yourselves a bit of a break huh? It’s not a contest.
This next part is critical to understand for any normie new to this stuff but especially boomers. I was right, but not because I am a special boy doing magic. I know what my IQ is, and I know I’m smart, but I’m not that smart. I’m not a 220 like Chris Langan, or even 160. The reason I was right is that due to having access to the internet at that age, and by building a frame in my head I was able to search for more accompanying info and “plug it in” to my frame, which built a much more realistic worldview to operate on. It has nothing to do with intelligence, it has everything to do with re-training your brain to accept a new frame based on reality, and creating your worldview based on that. The framework in which people in the United States build through the public school system is completely fictional. Therefore people can go through their daily life everyday, and not see what I see. I don’t mean it figuratively, I mean it literally. Unless you’ve trained your brain to be able to absorb bits of information you see, you won’t be able to grab it and plug it in, because you have nothing to plug it into. Not only won’t you be able to see it, you won’t even know to look for it. Since I’ve been on this process for as long as I have it’s pretty rare that when I find the puzzle pieces I’m looking for it causes a reaction of “ HOLY SHIT CAN YOU F&^%$N BELIEVE THIS?” It’s almost always “ohhhh that actually makes a lot more sense” or “Damn I should have seen that sooner”. I also don’t bog myself down with unnecessary technical details. For example the covid vaccine. I had an intimate knowledge of the people behind big-pharma, and the people behind the Biden administration, and that was enough to get me to not take it. I wouldn’t have taken a candy bar from them under those insane psy-op conditions, so the technical details of the vaccine didn’t even factor into my decision. It was instinctual. I couldn’t tell you what a “spike protein” is, or give a definition of MRNA beyond a surface level understanding. Again, this has nothing to do with intelligence or being a special boy, just simply the brainwashing never took, and I had the web and I apply what I learn to my worldview and operate from it. That’s it. People in your age range are most likely going to have to deconstruct in a much slower, and controlled fashion and that’s ok.
So with that in mind, when I parse information in this environment, and attempt to find the truth, the truth, and information I’m looking for is very different than most people, especially people in your age-range. When I find the bits of information and plug them into my frame, it’s like completing a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, and new things become unlocked in my head based on that new piece of info. Unless you’re capable of tearing your worldview down to the studs, and start over from scratch, you will most likely always be lost in this internet environment. That’s it. That’s the secret sauce. It isn’t about filling up your brains with a bunch of “conspiracy theories” it’s about training your brain to be able to see what is, and always was right in front of your eyes your entire lives. People often tell me that I have a unique POV, or have a take they haven’t heard before, and it’s because my thoughts are truly my own. Right, wrong or otherwise. I don’t get my “news” from anyone, and I don’t consume any political content or “streaming”. Truth be told, I’m not even that online these days, or not as much as one might think anyways.
This type of thinking, information gathering, and analysis without anyone guiding you or telling you what to think is a totally foreign concept to most Americans regardless of any age/political ideology, but will be critical to national security for our citizenry to learn moving forward. You’ve probably seen the phrase ‘4chan was right again” somewhere before right? Well, it’s not because they’re doing magic, it’s because in that environment they have a frame built on reality instead of fiction, and what they’re doing aren’t “predictions” what they’re doing without many of them even realizing it is something called “forecasting”. I used to do it when I ran sales teams, and your weatherman does it. If you have the correct data points, and you can scrub it against previous data points you can accurately “predict” things like the weather, and sales numbers etc. with dead-nuts accuracy most of the time. They’re doing that same process. Which is why these types of communities are generally “right”, and the normie masses of any political ideology are wrong. It’s that simple. If you’ve ever wondered why we can instantly tell you’re a boomer in an anonymous environment, it’s because we’re a hive mind that has become adept at sifting information in an anonymous/memetic environment, for years if not decades. You’ve probably heard us refer to things that “glow in the dark” or maybe you’ve seen us use another term with the word glow in it, but understand it’s not a figure of speech. Inorganic infiltration, and shenanigans in our hivemind do NOT go unnoticed. It glows in the dark to us, usually instantly.
Most of us you’re interacting with are only there for 4 reasons. To fight narratives in real time, blow up psy-ops in real time, deconstruct how this happened, how to fix it and to shitpost and screw around. I’m not there to build a following, or a “movement”, or to attempt to convert anyone to any sort of political philosophy (because I don’t have one). Which is why people like me are buried in these dark corners of the web, and people like catturd are catapulted to the top of mainstream platforms. What people like myself represent is a threat to their thought control matrix, and it doesn’t have anything much to do with the naughty things I say or any political ideas I have, it’s because if the normies can figure out how we think and replicate it, it’s game over. The type of commentary, and viral social media engagement someone like catturd provides is not a threat to their control matrix, even though you might think it does because he’s a “conservative”. Does that mean he’s running some sort of nefarious psy-op? No, not necessarily, I don’t think he’s smart enough to do that. I think he’s a useful idiot (and a general idiot) being taken for a ride. The point being, it isn’t a coincidence people like myself are buried, and people like him are getting interviewed by Tucker Carlson. Which is something that you should put in your frame and ponder on.
Now that we’ve established some context just understand it’s not about being mean, or picking on you because of your age, it’s to help and protect you. Many of you in your age group need to really take pause and ask yourselves what “truth” it is you’re looking for. Because if you haven’t built the proper mental framework, and don’t have a few core subjects/concepts under your belt you may be exposing yourselves to content and discussions that you might not be equipped to handle. Based on some of your reactions to things I’ve seen, many of you are knocking on doors that you aren’t ready for, and without the natural filtering system that used to exist, some of the people and places you’re interacting with online might put worms in your brain that you can’t get out, and we won’t even mean to do it.
The constant strife and fighting is having real world effects. The reason you see so many of us lampoon common narratives like ‘THESE KIDS JUST DON’T WANNA WORK”, and complaints about what part time Mcdonald’s employees make it’s because it’s very REAL(which is like a 10 year old psy op by now guys, come on). These might be stupid things you all say online, but I can see and hear these types of narratives with my own ears and eyeballs, which is causing very real familial division in many cases. What many of you “boomers” don’t understand is that you sound like Soviet labor commissars when you talk like that, and many of us have lived very different real world lives the past 8 years (16 really) than you. They pulled the rug out completely from us, and it isn’t the result of our work ethic, or perceived stupidity and many of “these kids” might not be as smartened up as me about the levels of brainwashing your generation went under or as nice as me, so they view you as being willfully ignorant and mocking them from your Ivory tower. When you guys say that stuff some of us can clearly see that these narratives exist simply for you to put undue blame onto us, instead of the real causes for the destruction of this nation and it’s working. Which is not a good indicator to me. All we ask of you is to stop helping our enemies, and when you guys get on your soapbox about “THESE KIDS DONT WANNA WORK” you’re not just helping our enemies, you’re acting as their proxies.
I had a great childhood for the most part. Most of my memories are happy, and my parents are still married and are great people, and for that I am unbelievably blessed, not “lucky” but blessed. That was NOT the case for many of my friends in my general age range, and the generations below us have it even worse. A substantial amount of the kids I knew growing up are dead or in prison from drugs, and an even larger amount are in the “complete and irreversible” stages of their college brainwashing. I am 33 and nobody I know of that would have been in my graduating class is married except for a lesbian couple. A handful I know of have children, but it is a single mother situation. Your “starting out” experience was very different than ours, and because many of you are retired, and live in retirement communities or rural White areas, you have been largely sequestered from most of this. The Floyd riots for example wasn’t something I watched on tv. I watched them out of my front window. Just one example, so try to keep perspective. This isn’t an “oppression contest”, and these things aren’t “complaints” or “excuses” preventing us from having things like homes or families. They are obstacles put in place deliberately by the same people most of you spend your free time screaming about online, and are sustained attacks on this nation. It’s very silly, unproductive and it’s nasty. I don’t expect you to understand this, but I’m seeing the exact types of radicalization form in many conservatives in your age group that I saw from liberals back in 2016 (and way before).
Another real life example of this radical behavior is a 70 year old family friend I occasionally have coffee with. If you asked her to tell you the “truth” about the world she would tell you with complete seriousness that you should be sleeping with an energy crystal under your pillow, people that died from the covid vaccine are re-animating as zombies, and the CIA installed a 5g cell phone tower in her community to f*ck with her specifically because she was watching too much “truth” online. I am not shitting you, and I’m sure we all know someone like that these days. Maybe you know someone in your age group that say things like “Well I don’t know what to believe is true anymore everything is so crazy” if you find yourselves or your loved ones getting into that territory you need to be VERY careful. Spend the time to watch the Yuri Bezmenov interview to see why. Just keep in mind what he says is going to sound very similar to some of the things you’ve seen in this country the last 8-16 years. Take note of the fact he describes these processes as “completed” in American life. Then reconcile the year it was taped. It might *click* for you, or it might not. It’s ok either way.
The big online war against the libtards you guys all seem to be gearing up for has already been fought and won. Tumblr, Reddit, shitlib Twitter, Salon, Buzzfeed etc. have been defeated and are totally neutralized. I know many of you might not see it, but libtards aren’t anywhere near the force they were in 2016-2020 (part of what these “lazy millennials have been doing). The meme wars are over and we won. A lot of them self terminated with the vax it seems but most are just in the deradicalization process. I remain friends, and stay in contact with a friend I grew up with who went off to college and became a Hammer & Sickle-flag waving communist. So why did I remain friends with him? Because he’s not actually a “communist”. He’s my buddy from the old neighborhood, and he’s an idiot and he was an idiot when we were kids, and all he was doing was larping. I’m watching him deradicalize now, and start to pretend like none of that happened. It’s VERY annoying, but it’s better that way, trust me. The people you should worry about most is yourselves. Spend 5 minutes and ask yourself something. Are you still the same person after all this? Because I am. I’m still the same person with the same core beliefs, and values I always had. Do I have some new information, some new ideas? Of course, but at no point during any of these events including MAGA did I ever become a radicalized totally different person (I was the biggest Trump supporters of ALL time to my own detriment and never bought or owned a MAGA hat for example). Can you say that about yourselves? Because unless you guys know what you’re doing, this radicalization process will be totally undetectable to you. Take it from me, I watched a lot of friends and colleagues completely lose themselves without even realizing it. People that grew up in the United States that I rode bikes with as a kid became transformed into almost a different species in front of my eyes, and once that process starts, that’s it. We don’t wanna see that happen to you.
One of my biggest frustrations with mainstream conservatives was their failure to see the real life indicators of things like the Tumblr vs 4chan wars and “gamer gate”. The signs were all there. I watched what I thought was just silly online “wars” turn into a very real life thing. My girlfriend at the time TOTALLY radicalized herself on Tumblr. I worked in a very libtarded office at the time gamer-gate happened and my colleagues radicalized over that. I saw it with my own eyeballs in real time, and I’m seeing the same signs with a lot of you now. I don’t expect you to know what I’m saying, but people that know what I’m talking about do. I’m seeing indicators of online radicalization of what I would typically call “boomercons” in real life. I’m seeing Ukraine flags on flagpoles next to POW/MIA flags, I’m seeing you guys get “triggered”, and I’m seeing you guys use a bunch of buzz words you don’t understand. What many of you are still failing to grasp, and I don’t expect you to understand but the “woke” stuff you’re fighting against and the “deep state” were there before you were born. You know how you see teachers in public schools these days have their classrooms decked out in BLM flags/LGBTQ/Tranny shit? Well my teachers as a kid were old hippies, and in our classrooms we had peace signs, tie die shit everywhere, MLK quotes, and “core democratic values”. Which is just a different firmware update for radical Marxist communism. If you’re confused by this, please spend the 7 or so minutes to watch the Yuri Bezmenov clip I referenced above. (he’s talking about YOU)
When you see me and other people “attacking you”, we aren’t actually attacking you at all. We’re attacking a narrative, and/or silly idea that we see/hear in real life. The purpose of that demonstration is to make those ideas sound terrible and stupid (they are) to any other people that may be reading or lurking. Think of it as a public execution. It’s more of a deterrent than a punishment. Bear in mind that a fair amount of these accounts I interact with aren’t even real people. Which means, because I know that so many of you are online, and these things are appearing out of your mouth in real life, I have to yell at robots all day. That’s not at all something that was in my life plans but it needs done. One of the biggest reasons we’re in this mess is that for the last 100 years there has been NO resistance to the media propaganda machine in this country. Absolutely none, and that is something that MUST be done in these times, at all times. That’s what I’m there to do, so don’t take it personally. If you can’t handle that type of thing, then you don’t have to be there. We know you guys are trying to help, and at your core many of you are actually good American patriots that want to do what you can, which is why you guys are allowed to be on gab and places like that in the first place. Trust me, if someone could come up with an equivalent version of the “delete system 32” meme that worked on iPads, most of you wouldn’t be scrolling anything. I don’t expect you to get that joke, and you wouldn’t probably understand it if I explained it in detail. That is NOT to cut you down, make you feel stupid, or make fun of you because of your age. It’s because it’s a reference that harkens to a time and place on the internet that very few if any of you have ever been in contact with. In other words “you wouldn’t get it”, and that’s OK.
I know some of you may see us as the “cool kids”, but trust me I got heat, we all got heat and it’s heat none of you want. We’re posting in a political environment that’s sending SWAT teams to catturd’s house, and handing out 10 year prison sentences for memes. What do you think they’d like to do to me? So if it seems like we’re having a great time, we are but just remember it’s gallows humor most times, and if having your account tracked by M.E.M.R.I and sent to the US intelligence community sounds fun to you then maybe you’re not actually understanding what we’re up against in this country. Maybe realize that what many of you think is just a bunch of disrespectful “kids” online is actually a very dangerous game. So when we have to deal with so much hand-holding, we have to derail from important things to deal with you, and what many of you are inadvertently doing by typing SOOO much, is training enemy ai’s to post in your style which are sent to disrupt and derail us. Which isn’t helping anything.
So ask yourselves what do you hope to accomplish by engaging in social media in this climate? Is it to get caught in an endless dopamine loop, and build an entire worldview on Sam Elliot memes? Or are you looking for the Truth? Or maybe neither? If you want my opinion, if you’re a “boomer” that’s new to all this I don’t think you should be doing any of those things. The truth a lot of you are after isn’t what you probably think, and it’s going to shock you. It will shock the world, and if we don’t win the consequences are unimaginable. Most of us who you’re having a hard time understanding and fighting with aren’t there for the same reasons you might be. What we’re doing/saying goes over most of your heads and that’s ok. I don’t do this for money, I don’t do this for fame, and it certainly isn’t for the p*ssy. We do this for God and Country, and if this hive mind you guys can’t stop screwing with wasn’t there, we probably would have already lost. So here is our ask to you.
What we NEED from you is to help us by getting involved as much as possible in your local communities. The federal government and the US dollar is collapsing at free fall speed, and the mainstream media in all forms (even your online podcasts you watch) aren’t telling you. Most of us don’t have the resources required to run for political office, and the landscape of this country currently isn’t ready for “these kids”. Based on the knowledge you guys have, and have learned you can hep us by trying to help organize your local communities, because I believe that what’s coming is going to be a shit-test of biblical proportions, and if our local communities are not organized and lead by patriots with basic knowledge of the real problems we face, it’s going to be brutal. I don’t want any of you to think that a lot of you aren’t “awake”. Because even though we maybe on a different level of understanding, the knowledge you have trumps what we have in local political office, and our completely brainwashed general population. So yes, you guys may be ding-dongs online, but I would much rather have you in charge than what we have now (locally). Your political leanings, and some of the ideas you get attacked for online won’t even matter in local leadership during an emergency situation and you don’t need to “know” any more than you already do to be effective. To protect this nation and help, I don’t believe it’s required for you to have encyclopedic knowledge on a bunch of different deep topics or anything of the sort. If and when that happens “these kids” a lot of you are so worried about will be waiting in the wings to help. That’s a promise.
The choice is yours either way. ALL people in your age group need to really contemplate if you actually wanna “know”. I think it should be your choice, and a choice you make with a sound mind. Some of you will be fine, but some of you may have an extremely hard time. The reason I talk about building a frame that allows you to know what to look for is because when you’re engaged in these types of places online, and in your everyday life you are exposed to truth that you do not see. If you kick-out by accident and certain things click, it might not be the experience you think. What many of us take for granted might be some of the most difficult things you’ve had to process, especially at your age. So go at your own speed, and do yourself a favor and stay away from guys like me if you aren’t sure. I can tell both online, and real life many of you that are on a “truth-seeking” adventure on the internet are doing so with good intentions, but the paths many of you are on is not actually conditioning you to be able to accept certain things, or helping build a new frame properly. It’s building a new frame based on mostly a bunch of made up bullshit and conjecture just due to the nature of the types of content many of you watch.
If you want to stick around that’s fine, but I will not hold your hand. I can’t. That’s not how this works, and that’s not what I do. What you see us doing is under control. We need you guys to get offline, and use your resources and time to organize your community’s, and help police your fellow “boomers” into deradicalizing about their irrational hatred and obsession with young people. Trust me, a lot of the “boomers” in local office and in the general population are not nearly as savvy or as “awake” as you if you’re reading this. They will listen to you, they will NOT listen to any of us. Fighting the never ending battle of narratives and media psy ops is incredibly important, and MUST be done. If you guys insist on being online you should be on Truth social. That’s what it’s for. So remember this is a peace offering but none of us are gonna stop smacking you around, or talking about things from your generation or our childhoods that may be sensitive to you. That is not going to happen, and cannot happen. I understand many of you may not understand why, but deconstructing those things is critical for our generation to fully understand, which are most likely things you will have an uncomfortable time with. The fighting and strife is because these conversations are starting to strike a nerve, so just know I get it, but we can’t stop. There is nothing you guys can do to sway or derail us, and any attempts at doing so are engagements you are not going to win. Just ask Bill Mitchell and tell him we said hello!
We are not your enemies, and you are not ours. We are fellow countrymen, and if we come together by separating domains we will make it through, and this country will heal. The world will heal, but it’s gonna be a very bumpy ride, and the nature of these online environments mixed with current events, and internet weapons you are not equipped or prepared to handle is going to end up f*cking you up (seriously). Where the nation needs you, and we need you is using the same energy, enthusiasm and “pain in the balls” attitudes in your local communities We’ll hold it down, don’t you worry. A lot of you might like to type things like WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL, but remember what it means. God Bless, and God Speed patriots. We’ll see each other on the other side. logoff.
I miss seeing you on Gab. I just can't go there anymore. Was thinking of you, Happy Easter! He is risen.
Thank you! I wanted to add, I finally finished behold a pale horse. It's stunning how much has occurred. I admit, I got overinflated sheepskin degree following the whole millenial standard life advice, and I feel it's posts like this or lurking on past or gab I learn far more and more applicable things. Thank you again!